Confernce series Gènere, Salut i Igualtat (gender, health and equality): “Violència de gènere: pautes de detecció i actitud dels professionals de la salut”

Confernce series Gènere, Salut i Igualtat (gender, health and equality): “Violència de gènere: pautes de detecció i actitud dels professionals de la salut”
14/12/17 | 13:00

Conference given by Teresa Echevarria Vallejo, nurse from the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona. The activity will be presented and chaired by Amàlia Lafuente, lecturer from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences.

This activity is included in the conference series Gènere, Salut i Igualtat, which consists of a series of conferences aimed at the bachelor degree students of Nursing, Medicine, Dentistry and Podiatry, and which coincide with world days related to women, and sexual and gender diversity. 

Link to the UB news article (Spanish and Catalan)

Medicine Campus - Hospital Clínic August Pi i Sunyer
Organized by:
Equality Committee of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences