XX and XX will compete for the Rector's Office of the UB in the second round, on December 17 and 18


XX, with XX % of the weighted voting, and XX, with XX %, are the two candidates with most votes, who will compete for the Rectorʼs Office of the University of Barcelona in the second round of the election, on December 17 and 18. XX was the other candidate in these elections, who obtained the XX% of the weighted voting.


XX, with XX % of the weighted voting, and XX, with XX %, are the two candidates with most votes, who will compete for the Rectorʼs Office of the University of Barcelona in the second round of the election, on December 17 and 18. XX was the other candidate in these elections, who obtained the XX% of the weighted voting.

In this second electoral session, which has been carried out through e-voting on December 10 and 11, any of the three candidates to the Rectorʼs Office got the necessary absolute majority to be proclaimed rector in the first round. In the second round, to take place on Thursday, December 17, from 10 a.m. until Friday, December 18 at 8 p.m., the rector with the majority of single votes will be announced rector. The second round will take place through e-voting.

The elections, which have been held online for the first time due to COVID-19, have taken place with no remarkable incident. More than 54,000 people from different university collectives were called to vote. XX electors have voted, accounting for a xx% of the total. In the last election, held in 2016, a 16.10% of the census voted.


Out of the emitted votes in these e-voting days, XX were given to the candidates and XX were blank votes.

For further information, please visit the website of Rector's Office Election 2020.