Visit from Rudolf Grewe's descendants in the Rare Book and Manuscript CRAI Library

The rector of the UB, Joan Elias, and the director of CRAI, Judit Casals, were with Grewe’s family members during the tour.
The rector of the UB, Joan Elias, and the director of CRAI, Judit Casals, were with Grewe’s family members during the tour.

In 1997, the University of Barcelona expanded its bibliography collection with the personal library on cooking from Rudolf Grewe, distinguished expert on gastronomy and food studies. This is how the Collection Grewe: food and gastronomy was born. This Tuesday, January 14, the Esteva Grewe family -headed by Rudolf Greweʼs direct descendants, Rosa Maria and Carlos Esteva- visited the Rare Manuscript and CRAI Library to see the collection in the original place. The head of the Library, Neus Verguer, showed some documents and talked about the conservation, catalogue and dissemination task carried out by the Learning and Research Resource Centre (CRAI) of the UB over these years. During the tour, the rector Joan Elias and the director of CRAI, Judit Casals, accompanied the visitors.

Rudolf Grewe is the author of the edition of Llibre de Sent Soví for the collection Els Nostres Clàssics. Part of Greweʼs collection is therefore in the Rare Book and Manuscript CRAI Library, where there are also one of the two only existing models of Llibre de Sent Soví (14th Century), the first cook book of Catalan cuisine and one of the oldest ones in Europe not written in Latin. In particular, the Rare Book and Manuscript CRAI Library guards 128 books from the Grewe Collection, the oldest ones, ranging from the 14th century to 1820. The collection has about seven hundred modern books that were moved to the Pharmacy and Food Sciences CRAI Library in the Torribera Campus in 2011. It became the main university library of Spain on food and nutrition.

With the aim to disseminate this important bibliographic collection and make it available for researchers first and for citizens as well, the CRAI has digitalized a great part of the former collection of the Grewe Collection and it is available online in the platform Memòria Digital de Catalunya and at the Digital Heritage Library of the UB (BiPaDi).


The rector of the UB, Joan Elias, and the director of CRAI, Judit Casals, were with Grewe’s family members during the tour.
The rector of the UB, Joan Elias, and the director of CRAI, Judit Casals, were with Grewe’s family members during the tour.

In 1997, the University of Barcelona expanded its bibliography collection with the personal library on cooking from Rudolf Grewe, distinguished expert on gastronomy and food studies. This is how the Collection Grewe: food and gastronomy was born. This Tuesday, January 14, the Esteva Grewe family -headed by Rudolf Greweʼs direct descendants, Rosa Maria and Carlos Esteva- visited the Rare Manuscript and CRAI Library to see the collection in the original place. The head of the Library, Neus Verguer, showed some documents and talked about the conservation, catalogue and dissemination task carried out by the Learning and Research Resource Centre (CRAI) of the UB over these years. During the tour, the rector Joan Elias and the director of CRAI, Judit Casals, accompanied the visitors.

Rudolf Grewe is the author of the edition of Llibre de Sent Soví for the collection Els Nostres Clàssics. Part of Greweʼs collection is therefore in the Rare Book and Manuscript CRAI Library, where there are also one of the two only existing models of Llibre de Sent Soví (14th Century), the first cook book of Catalan cuisine and one of the oldest ones in Europe not written in Latin. In particular, the Rare Book and Manuscript CRAI Library guards 128 books from the Grewe Collection, the oldest ones, ranging from the 14th century to 1820. The collection has about seven hundred modern books that were moved to the Pharmacy and Food Sciences CRAI Library in the Torribera Campus in 2011. It became the main university library of Spain on food and nutrition.

With the aim to disseminate this important bibliographic collection and make it available for researchers first and for citizens as well, the CRAI has digitalized a great part of the former collection of the Grewe Collection and it is available online in the platform Memòria Digital de Catalunya and at the Digital Heritage Library of the UB (BiPaDi).