The Institute of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry describes its research in a conference at the Faculty of Chemistry

IQTCUB present its research activities to establish new synergies with research groups.
IQTCUB present its research activities to establish new synergies with research groups.
Today, Friday 21 June, the Institute of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry of the University of Barcelona (IQTCUB) organises the fourth conference to describe and present its research projects in order to establish new synergies with research groups. The conference starts at 9.30 a.m. at the Aula Magna Enric Casassas of the Faculty of Chemistry.
IQTCUB present its research activities to establish new synergies with research groups.
IQTCUB present its research activities to establish new synergies with research groups.
Today, Friday 21 June, the Institute of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry of the University of Barcelona (IQTCUB) organises the fourth conference to describe and present its research projects in order to establish new synergies with research groups. The conference starts at 9.30 a.m. at the Aula Magna Enric Casassas of the Faculty of Chemistry.
Francesc Illas, director of IQTCUB, opens the conference in which the following researchers participate: Carme Sousa and Albert Bruix, from the Department of Chemistry, and Eliseo Ruíz, professor from the Department of Inorganic Chemistry, all three members of IQTCUB; Piero Ugliengo, from the University of Turin; Emilio Martínez-Núñez, from the University of Santiago de Compostela, and Ramon Crehuet, from the Institute of Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia of CSIC.

IQTCUB, created in 2007 and affiliated centre with the campus of International excellence BKC, is composed by UB research groups of the Faculty of Chemistry focused on the fields of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry. The research activity carried out at IQTCUB covers methods and computational tools development, application of several techniques of electronic structures and simulation to problems in materials science, the study of reactivity and reaction dynamics in chemical reactions as well as of biological systems and soft-matter.