The challenge of science entrepreneurship, in the Spanish Association of Entrepreneurs in Science and Technology Symposium

The presidential table of the Symposium of the Spanish Association of Entrepreneurs in Science and Technology(AEECT).
The presidential table of the Symposium of the Spanish Association of Entrepreneurs in Science and Technology(AEECT).

"Science entrepreneurship in changing times" is the title of the Symposium of the Spanish Association of Entrepreneurs in Science and Technology(AEECT), which happens next Wednesday, 5th June, in the Palau de Congressos of Fira de Barcelona, within Biz Barcelona, the fair of entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized enterprises.

The presidential table of the Symposium of the Spanish Association of Entrepreneurs in Science and Technology(AEECT).
The presidential table of the Symposium of the Spanish Association of Entrepreneurs in Science and Technology(AEECT).

"Science entrepreneurship in changing times" is the title of the Symposium of the Spanish Association of Entrepreneurs in Science and Technology(AEECT), which happens next Wednesday, 5th June, in the Palau de Congressos of Fira de Barcelona, within Biz Barcelona, the fair of entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized enterprises.


The opening event has been chaired by the delegate for Entrepreneurship and Corporate Development, Dr. Manel Artís, Other participating personalities are: Dr Juan M. Vázquez, Director General of Scientific and Technical Research of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness; Dr Enric Claverol, Director of the Catalan Foundation for Research and Innovation (FCRI); Dr. Manuel Pérez Alonso, professor at the University of Valencia and President of AEECT; Dr. Xavier Testar, professor from the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the UB and Deputy President of AEECT, and Dr. Josep M. Piqué, Councillor of the International Association of Science Parks (IASP) and President of the Scientific Committee of the Technological Circle of Catalonia (CTECNO).

AEECT, an association created in 2012 within the First National Congress of Entrepreneurial Scientists which happened in Valencia, aims at promoting scientific and technological entrepreneurship, fostering the creation of science and technology based-companies in public and private sectors, and supporting entrepreneurial attitudes in science, technology and knowledge transfer.
The programme of the symposium includes a series of round tables dealing with different aspects of entrepreneurship in science and technology areas. To be exact, from 12 to 2 p.m., the round table "Emprendre des de la ciència: per on començar?" (Science entrepreneurship: how to start) takes place. It is moderated by Senén Barro, president of RedEmprendia, and is centred on the creation process of technological spin-offs and start-ups. From 3 to 4.45 p.m., the round table "Finançament de start-up tecnològiques: escassetat de capital risc o manca de bons projectes?" (Technological start-up funding: venture capital shortage or lack of good projects?) analyses the problem of venture capital availability in the field of technology-based companies. The debate is moderated by Lluís Pareras, Director of Healthequity. From 5.15 to 7.15 p.m., the Director of the ESADE Entrepreneurship Institute, Dr Luisa Alemany, conducts the round table "Com emprendre amb èxit des de la ciència? De lʼR+D a la consolidació empresarial" (How to successfully start a science business? From R+D to business consolidation), which presents some technology-based companies in different development phases.

To participate in the symposium, registration must be done through this form.  


Further information about the programme on the link.