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The Barcelona Economics Institute of the UB organizes a forum to debate a possible reform of the Spanish tax system

The symposium brings together some of the most prestigious national experts on tax system.
The symposium brings together some of the most prestigious national experts on tax system.

Entitled “El sistema fiscal espanyol en temps de crisi: canvis o reforma?”, the Fiscal Forum of the Barcelona Economics Institute (IEB) of the UB, has started on Tuesday 4th December, in the auditorium of La Pedrera. The forum, that will last until 5th December, will bring together some of the most prestigious national experts on tax regulations in order to debate a possible reform of the Spanish tax system. The coordinators of the symposium, the UB professors Josep M. Duran and Alejandro Esteller, will present the results of a survey of Spanish tax system carried out by different tax advisers from all over the country.

The symposium brings together some of the most prestigious national experts on tax system.
The symposium brings together some of the most prestigious national experts on tax system.

Entitled “El sistema fiscal espanyol en temps de crisi: canvis o reforma?”, the Fiscal Forum of the Barcelona Economics Institute (IEB) of the UB, has started on Tuesday 4th December, in the auditorium of La Pedrera. The forum, that will last until 5th December, will bring together some of the most prestigious national experts on tax regulations in order to debate a possible reform of the Spanish tax system. The coordinators of the symposium, the UB professors Josep M. Duran and Alejandro Esteller, will present the results of a survey of Spanish tax system carried out by different tax advisers from all over the country.

The person in charge of the Spanish Tax Agency (AEAT) in Catalonia, Gonzalo García de Castro, opened the symposium with a lecture about tax evasion in times of crisis. Later, debate has been opened and centred in four main aspects of the tax system: IRPF (personal income tax), corporation tax, wealth and consumption. In the afternoon a round table about the Spanish tax system takes place. In the round table take part: Valentí Pich (Spain's General Council of Economists' Associations), Miguel Ángel García (CCOO), Salvador Ruiz Gallud (Equipo Económico, member of AEDAF, and ex-director of AEAT) and the ex-minister of Economics of the Government of Catalonia Antoni Castells (University of Barcelona) as moderator.

On Wednesday, the symposium will be opened by Richard Blundell, professor at the University College London and candidate to receive a Nobel Prize in several editions. Blundell is co-editor of Mirrlees Review, a report developed by a group of international experts to identify the characteristics of a good tax system for any open developed economy.

The IEB Fiscal Forum is a debate about Spanish tax system open to the general public. It has been first developed online and it concludes with the symposium. Some of the opinions of the experts who participate in the forum can be found in the website of the forum, where economists, advisers and general public can also make their comments.

The IEB Fiscal Forum is organized by the Barcelona Economics Institute supported by the Saving Banks Foundation (Funcas), the Spanish Association of Tax Advisers (AEDAF) and the Register of Tax Advisers.