Cancer cells take healthy cells to stimulate metastasis

Researchers have discovered that cancer cells use the fibroblast mobility to escape tumors and move around the tissues.
Researchers have discovered that cancer cells use the fibroblast mobility to escape tumors and move around the tissues.

A team of researchers, led by Xavier Trepat, ICREA research professor at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) and at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the UB, has identified a mechanism through which cancer cells exit the tumor to stimulate metastasis. The study, published on the cover of the journal Nature Cell Biology, with the support of Obra Social La Caixa Foundation, reveals that cancer cells can reprogram their healthy neighbors so that these drag them out from the tumor into other healthy tissues.

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Researchers have discovered that cancer cells use the fibroblast mobility to escape tumors and move around the tissues.
Researchers have discovered that cancer cells use the fibroblast mobility to escape tumors and move around the tissues.

A team of researchers, led by Xavier Trepat, ICREA research professor at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) and at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the UB, has identified a mechanism through which cancer cells exit the tumor to stimulate metastasis. The study, published on the cover of the journal Nature Cell Biology, with the support of Obra Social La Caixa Foundation, reveals that cancer cells can reprogram their healthy neighbors so that these drag them out from the tumor into other healthy tissues.

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Article reference:

A. Labernadie, T. Kato, A. Brugués, X. Serra-Picamal, S. Derzsi, E. Arwert, A. Weston, V. González-Tarragó, A. Elosegui-Artola, L. Albertazzi, J. Alcaraz, P. Roca-Cusachs, Erik Sahai, X. Trepat. "A mechanically active heterotypic E-cadherin/N-cadherin adhesion enables fibroblasts to drive cancer cell invasion". Nature Cell Biology, 2017. Doi: 10.1038/ncb3478