The 8th Session on Drug Addictions takes a look at the future of the addictions in Catalonia

The opening will be done by the Health Counselor at the Generalitat de Catalunya (Catalan government), Toni Comín, and the Academic Policy, Students and Quality Vice-Rector, Gaspar Roselló.
The opening will be done by the Health Counselor at the Generalitat de Catalunya (Catalan government), Toni Comín, and the Academic Policy, Students and Quality Vice-Rector, Gaspar Roselló.

The University of Barcelona, through the Student Support Services and Projecte Home Catalunya, holds once more the Session on Drug Addictions, this year with the motto “Lʼabordatge de les addicions a Catalunya: una Mirada de futur”. This eighth edition will celebrate Projecte Homeʼs 20 yearsʼ anniversary, and will reflect on the evolution of prevention strategies and addiction treatment for the next years in Catalonia. To do so, there will be the participation of several experts on health and social entities which work on addiction treatments and prevention. The meeting will be on Thursday April 15, from 9 to 14h, in Aula Manga in the Historic Building of the University of Barcelona, and it is aimed to UB students and professionals who are interested in the addiction field.

The opening will be done by the Health Counselor at the Generalitat de Catalunya (Catalan government), Toni Comín, and the Academic Policy, Students and Quality Vice-Rector, Gaspar Roselló.
The opening will be done by the Health Counselor at the Generalitat de Catalunya (Catalan government), Toni Comín, and the Academic Policy, Students and Quality Vice-Rector, Gaspar Roselló.

The University of Barcelona, through the Student Support Services and Projecte Home Catalunya, holds once more the Session on Drug Addictions, this year with the motto “Lʼabordatge de les addicions a Catalunya: una Mirada de futur”. This eighth edition will celebrate Projecte Homeʼs 20 yearsʼ anniversary, and will reflect on the evolution of prevention strategies and addiction treatment for the next years in Catalonia. To do so, there will be the participation of several experts on health and social entities which work on addiction treatments and prevention. The meeting will be on Thursday April 15, from 9 to 14h, in Aula Manga in the Historic Building of the University of Barcelona, and it is aimed to UB students and professionals who are interested in the addiction field.

The opening will be done by the Health Counselor at the Generalitat de Catalunya (Catalan government), Toni Comín, and the Academic Policy, Students and Quality Vice-Rector, Gaspar Roselló, together with Maite Fandos, member of Welfare state in Diputació de Barcelona, and Oriol Esculies, director of Projecte Home Catalunya. Albert Sabatés, director of Obra Social Santa Lluïsa of Marillac will give the speech on “Ciència i caritat: una mirada provocativa”, which will be introduced by Begoña del Pueyo, journalist in Onda Cero, specialized in addictions.

The program will follow with the roundtable “Drogues, salut i realitats socials”, in which Ana Adán, professor in the Department of Psychology and Clinic Psycobiology of the University of Barcelona; Ferran Busquets, director of the Arrels Foundation, and Sonia Fuertes, vice-President of Entitats Catalanes dʼAcció Social (ECAS) and sub-Director of the Social Labour Integration area in the Health and Community Foundation- will take part. Carme Iniesta, responsible of the Labor and Social Integration programs in Generalitat de Catalunya, will chair the debate.

The session will end with a roundtable titled “Apoderant una nova generació”, which will be chaired by Cristina Delgado, co-organizer of the prevention programs for Projecte Home Catalunya. There will be the participation of Jaume Larriba, director of Associació Promoció i Desenvolupament (association for the promotion and development); Jordi Bernabeu, psychologist at Public Health Services in Granollers City Council, and Anna Sison, clinic psychologist and family therapist at the subsection of drug addiction involvement in Centre SPOTT.

More information can be found here

Social responsibility at the University of Barcelona

The University of Barcelona, aiming to promote responsibility towards human and social causes which make an effect on students, families and the university personnel, collaborates with the NOG Projecte Home, which is working to treat and prevent drug addictions in Catalonia. Thanks to this collaboration, other sessions and speeches are also organized, such as the annual session on drug addictions that wants to increase awareness and bring closer students and professionals to the drug addictions from a broader perspective.