Helena González, new director of the Centre for Women and Literature

Helena González.
Helena González.

The Centre for Women and Literature of the UB has chosen a new director to replace Marta Segarra, who has held this post for nine years and continues coordinating the Chair UNESCO Women, Development and Cultures of the UB. The new director is professor of Galician literature and author of a great number of books focused on the feminist literary critique, popular culture, contemporary Galician literature, and the cultural relations between Galicia and Catalonia.

Helena González.
Helena González.

The Centre for Women and Literature of the UB has chosen a new director to replace Marta Segarra, who has held this post for nine years and continues coordinating the Chair UNESCO Women, Development and Cultures of the UB. The new director is professor of Galician literature and author of a great number of books focused on the feminist literary critique, popular culture, contemporary Galician literature, and the cultural relations between Galicia and Catalonia.


Among her recent publications, the following titles can be highlighted: Canon y subversión. La obra narrativa de Rosalía de Castro (co-written by María do Cebreiro Rábade Villar; Icaria 2012), Máxima audiencia. Cultura popular y género (co-written by Isabel Clúa; Icaria, 2011), and the essays Género y nación. La construcción de un espacio literario (Icaria, 2009), and Elas e o paraugas totalizador. Escritoras, xénero e nación (Xerais, 2005). She is also the author of some articles collected in the works Mujer, creación y exilio (Icaria, 2009), Escrituras de la sexualidad (Icaria, 2008) and Políticas del deseo (Icaria, 2007), among other publications.

The Centre for Women and Literature, founded by the professors Àngels Carabí and Marta Segarra, began its activity in 1990 as the Seminar of Literature Written by Women, and it was consolidated as centre in 1994. The Centre is recognized as the Consolidated Research Group Creació i Pensament de les Dones (CiPD), funded by the Government of Catalonia, and it was the main group of the Thematic Network Women and Cultures, of the Research Plan of the Government of Catalonia (1998-2004).

Moreover, the Centre has been the headquarters of the Chair UNESCO Women, Development and Cultures since 2004, together with the University of Vic, and the publishing office of the international journal Expressions Maghrébines. It is also the office of the annual Lectora. Journal of Women and Textuality, and the collection Mujeres y Culturas, published by Icaria Editorial.