The academic council of UB-Bullipedia is set up

The UB-Bullipedia, in the Food and Nutrition campus of the UB.
The UB-Bullipedia, in the Food and Nutrition campus of the UB.

On Thursday 15th November, the chef Ferran Adrià, sponsor of Bullipedia as a part of the future El Bulli Foundation, presided the setting up meeting of the academic council on which is based the UB-Bullipedia. This academic council, a supporting and advisory one, was created within the agreement signed on 23rd October between the rector of the UB, Dídac Ramírez, and Ferran Adrià.

The UB-Bullipedia, in the Food and Nutrition campus of the UB.
The UB-Bullipedia, in the Food and Nutrition campus of the UB.

On Thursday 15th November, the chef Ferran Adrià, sponsor of Bullipedia as a part of the future El Bulli Foundation, presided the setting up meeting of the academic council on which is based the UB-Bullipedia. This academic council, a supporting and advisory one, was created within the agreement signed on 23rd October between the rector of the UB, Dídac Ramírez, and Ferran Adrià.

The UB-Bullipedia, located in the first floor of the Masia building in the Food and Nutrition Torribera campus (Santa Coloma de Gramenet), will be coordinated by Abel Mariné, emeritus professor of the Department of Nutrition and Bromatology at the Faculty of Pharmacy, and the researcher Pere Castells, representative of El Bulli Foundation. Castells will be in charge of the correct coordination among UB-Bullipedia, the management team of the UB Food and Nutrition campus, and a team of experts from the UB and other universities and institutions which are part of the advisory group.

The works of the members of the UB-Bullipedia council will be complemented by those developed by the permanent experts who participate in the project, the occasional ones and those students who will collaborate in any of the subprojects approved during the meeting: History of Western haute cuisine, Science and cooking, Techniques applied to product, Organization and management, Creative process and Creative archive of products.

Ferran Adrià presents Bullipedia to the university community

Ferran Adrià also participated in the presentation of the Bullipedia project to the university community (teachers, students and researchers) of the Food and Nutrition Torribera campus. The event was presided by Màrius Rubiralta and in it participated the Santa Coloma mayoress, Núria Parlon, and the academic coordinators of UB-Bullipedia, the professor Mariné and the researcher Pere Castells.

In his presentation, Ferran Adrià explained the main ideas of the Bullipedia project and set the objectives of UB-Bullipedia which will give academic advice to those works made by Bullipedia. Adrià showed the temporary website of the project and a promotional video of Bullipedia that has been recently presented internationally.

Moreover, the academic coordinators detailed the way of working of this new organization (UB-Bullipedia), and the members of the group of experts described the location and the collaboration possibilities with other institutions.

To the event, an academic activity of the Food and Nutrition campus, attended a great number of students of the degree of Human Nutrition and Dietetics and of Food Science and Technology, both given in this campus in Santa Coloma, as well as the people responsible for the social welfare centres Dr Emili Mira and the CETT, affiliated centre with the UB.