Seminaris de lʼAula Jordi Rubió i Balaguer start with a session on massive open online courses (MOOC)

The first session of the Seminaris de l’Aula Jordi Rubió i Balaguer takes place in the room 210 at the Faculty of Library and Information Science. Throughout the activity, entitled “Els MOOC: una oportunitat per a les universitats?”.
The first session of the Seminaris de l’Aula Jordi Rubió i Balaguer takes place in the room 210 at the Faculty of Library and Information Science. Throughout the activity, entitled “Els MOOC: una oportunitat per a les universitats?”.

On Wednesday 13 November, at 5 p.m., the first session of the Seminaris de lʼAula Jordi Rubió i Balaguer takes place in the room 210 at the Faculty of Library and Information Science. Throughout the activity, entitled “Els MOOC: una oportunitat per a les universitats?”, three experts involved in MOOC creation and management give their opinion on the evolution of these courses as training tools.

The first session of the Seminaris de l’Aula Jordi Rubió i Balaguer takes place in the room 210 at the Faculty of Library and Information Science. Throughout the activity, entitled “Els MOOC: una oportunitat per a les universitats?”.
The first session of the Seminaris de l’Aula Jordi Rubió i Balaguer takes place in the room 210 at the Faculty of Library and Information Science. Throughout the activity, entitled “Els MOOC: una oportunitat per a les universitats?”.

On Wednesday 13 November, at 5 p.m., the first session of the Seminaris de lʼAula Jordi Rubió i Balaguer takes place in the room 210 at the Faculty of Library and Information Science. Throughout the activity, entitled “Els MOOC: una oportunitat per a les universitats?”, three experts involved in MOOC creation and management give their opinion on the evolution of these courses as training tools.


The phenomenon of MOOC began in the United States five years ago. The number of universities involved in them and the platforms that offer free online courses increases every day. The seminar informs about current active platforms, discusses results and problems, and points out future trends.

Attendants will be welcomed by the commissioner for Information and Documentation Systems of the UB, Carina Rey. The activity will be presented by Adela dʼAlòs Moner, coordinator of Aula Jordi Rubió i Balaguer and temporary part-time lecturer at the Faculty of Library and Information Science.
The seminar includes a round table in which the following experts participate: Mercè Cabo, deputy general manager of the Services, Technology and Information Resources Area at the Pompeu Fabra University; Mercè Gisbert, expert on new technologies for education and training and lecturer at Universitat Rovira i Virgili, and Teresa Sancho, lecturer at the Open University of Catalonia who holds a PhD in Electronic Engineering. Then, a colloquium takes place.
The CRAI Information Sciences Library has created a reading guide on the topic of this first seminar: MOOC: la universitat es mou i allibera el coneixement. Flash and PDF version are available.