The Hieronymus project works on improve and get the book world right on track

Lluís Agustí, in charge of Hieronymus at the Faculty of Library and Information Science, during the project presentation.
Lluís Agustí, in charge of Hieronymus at the Faculty of Library and Information Science, during the project presentation.

The Faculty of Library and Information Science and Gremi de Llibreters de Catalunya (Union of Catalan Librarians) have been working on the Hieronymus project, presented in the last Barcelona International Book Fair (LIBER 2016), with the main aim of promoting debate to identify problems affecting the book sector, foresee future situations and count with enough tools to improve its efficacy and efficiency. The project brings experts from all sectors: editors, distributors, libraries and book stores, and readers can also participate through surveys.

Lluís Agustí, in charge of Hieronymus at the Faculty of Library and Information Science, during the project presentation.
Lluís Agustí, in charge of Hieronymus at the Faculty of Library and Information Science, during the project presentation.

The Faculty of Library and Information Science and Gremi de Llibreters de Catalunya (Union of Catalan Librarians) have been working on the Hieronymus project, presented in the last Barcelona International Book Fair (LIBER 2016), with the main aim of promoting debate to identify problems affecting the book sector, foresee future situations and count with enough tools to improve its efficacy and efficiency. The project brings experts from all sectors: editors, distributors, libraries and book stores, and readers can also participate through surveys.

The dean of the Faculty of Library and Information Sciences, Ernest Abadal, says this is “an excellent chance to collect in a rigorous, systematic and consensual way, a series of practical proposals that can improve the way this sector works”.

The prime movers of the project divided it into three stages in order to collect as much information as possible, manage and analyse it to reach out applicable conclusions. The first stage is now working and serves to create consultative commissions to work with the content. Surveys and questionnaires are being defined in order to collect all information. At first, these surveys will be available for all people interested in sharing their opinion, from readers to specific professionals, to deepen on specific topics or introduce new questions to be debated on.

The second stage, which is expected to have during this 2017, will include the collection and first quantitative analysis of the information from the surveys, as well as sending specific questionnaires to an extensive selection of professionals from this sector.

Finally, the third stage will be focused on analysing all the information and reaching the proper conclusions. To do so, work conferences will be organized, expected to take place in the last term of 2017. Here, definite reorganizing proposals will be fixed and approved of.