A welcome letter from the rector

Us donem la benvinguda al Portal de Transparència de la Universitat de Barcelona.


With this website- dedicated to one of the fundamental operating principles of the University transparency- we want to show you what we do so that you can get to know a good part of who we are. That is why it contains updated, reusable,accesible and understandable data and information of interest

This portal is not intended to be only a repository and a means to fulfill the legal oblifations relating to transparency but, through the dissemination( active transparency) and the facilitation of access to public information ( right of access or passive transparency) and the principles of good governance, it wants to become an essential space of knowledge and an insrtrument of information at the service of both the university community and society in general. 

The Transparency Portal is constantly improved, updated and evolved, to guarantee the best possible accountability in all areas of University management.

We encourage you to use it!

Dr. Joan Guàrdia Olmos