Objectives and competences

In the framework of the operation of Public Administrations, the activity of contracting has always occupied a very relevant role. For this reason, knowing the characteristics of the contractual activity of public administrations and the functionality of contractual legislation and its reporting principles acquires special relevance today, both for professionals or students interested in the public sector and those interested in the private sector, since it is precisely in the sphere of public procurement that the relationship between the public and private sectors is most clearly appreciated.

This postgraduate course forms part of the master's degree or postgraduate degree

Basic information

TypePostgraduate courses
CertificateSpecialization diploma
Faculty or schoolFacultat de Dret
Branch of knowledge
  • Law and legal specializations
Mode of deliveryFace-to-face
Length of course1 academic year
Language(s) of instructionCatalan
Enrolment feeFirst year: 2.394,00 €
An increase of 10% is applied to the price, up to a maximum of € 70, as administration fee
In-company placement(s)No
Start of teaching period07/11/2024
End of teaching period30/07/2025
Master's degree course homepage https://www.ub.edu/portal/web/dret/detall/-/detall /convocatoria-de-tres-beques-per-a-estades-de-prac tiques-a-la-direccio-general-de-contractacio-publi ca-per-a-estudiants-del-master-de-contractacio-pub l
ManagmentMalaret Garcia, Elisenda
Open pre-enrolmentNo
Lead to doctoral studiesNo
Admission for applicants not holding a degree qualificationSí, amb crèdits pendents (10% o menys)

Objectives and competences


- Acquire advanced knowledge of public procurement, with special attention to the legal changes established by Law 9/2017, of 8 November, on Public Sector Contracts.
- Acquire skills and abilities to apply in procurement to manage it more efficiently and appropriately.
- To acquire a critical vision of how public sector procurement functions.
- To learn the limits of regulation and the limits of improvement and development.

Access and admission

Applicant profile and access requirements

Recommended applicant profile

- Especially, law graduates with an interest in furthering their theoretical and practical understanding of public procurement.
- Graduates in other disciplines who have a basic understanding of public law and administrative law in general, both academically and professionally.
- Professionals in the public or private sectors with an interest in public procurement.

Access requirements and conditions

The course is also open to students with no prior university education, who will acquire the same knowledge and skills and receive a specific qualification for their learner group. Information on the access requirements and other conditions can be obtained from the course directors.



03/09/2024 31/10/2024

Contact us


AddressFacultat de Dret
Av. Diagonal, 684

08034 - Barcelona
Email addressdp.dret.administratiu@ub.edu
Webpagehttps://www.ub.edu/portal/web/dret/detall/-/detall /convocatoria-de-tres-beques-per-a-estades-de-prac tiques-a-la-direccio-general-de-contractacio-publi ca-per-a-estudiants-del-master-de-contractacio-pub l
Observationsdijous i divendres, de 16:30 a 20:30.

Further information

AddressSr. Carlos Rubén Mogrovejo
Av. Diagonal, 684

08034 - Barcelona
Email addresscarlos.mogrovejo@ub.edu
Webpagehttps://www.ub.edu/portal/web/dret/detall/-/detall /convocatoria-de-tres-beques-per-a-estades-de-prac tiques-a-la-direccio-general-de-contractacio-publi ca-per-a-estudiants-del-master-de-contractacio-pub l
Observationscal sol·licitar les visites per correu electrònic.

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