Objectives and competences

- To analyse the complex reality of business in today's world.
- To develop their ability to manage a specific work area in coordination with other business units.
- To learn to design strategies, define objectives, and plan and implement actions in conjunction with the rest of the organizational structure.
- To gain an understanding of how to manage small organizations in different sectors or business areas.

Basic information

TypePostgraduate courses
CertificateSpecialization diploma
Faculty or schoolFacultat d'Economia i Empresa
Branch of knowledge
  • Economic sciences, business administration and management, marketing, commerce, accounting and tourism
  • Social sciences, social work, industrial relations and human resources, sociology, political science and international relations
Mode of deliveryFace-to-face
Length of course1 academic year
Language(s) of instructionSpanish
Enrolment fee:First year: 3.000,00 €
An increase of 10% is applied to the price, up to a maximum of € 70, as administration fee
In-company placement(s):No
Start of teaching period:01/10/2024
End of teaching period:06/09/2025
Master's degree course homepage http://www.ub.edu/grmark/gestionempresarial
ManagmentVizuete Luciano, Emilio
Open pre-enrolmentNo
Lead to doctoral studiesNo
Admission for applicants not holding a degree qualification:Sí, amb crèdits pendents (10% o menys)

Objectives and competences


- To analyse the complex reality of business in today's world.
- To develop their ability to manage a specific work area in coordination with other business units.
- To learn to design strategies, define objectives, and plan and implement actions in conjunction with the rest of the organizational structure.
- To gain an understanding of how to manage small organizations in different sectors or business areas.

Access and admission

Applicant profile and access requirements

Recommended applicant profile

Those with professional experience in any discipline interested in furthering their knowledge of organizational management to develop their professional and personal careers in business.

Access requirements and conditions

The course is also open to students with no prior university education, who will acquire the same knowledge and skills and receive a specific qualification for their learner group. Information on the access requirements and other conditions can be obtained from the course directors.



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Contact us

Faculty or school where the course is taught

Address:Facultat d'Economia i Empresa
Diagonal, 696

08034 - Barcelona
Email address:analauroba@ub.edu
Observations:Monday to Friday, from 6 to 9 p.m (with some free days and weeks).

For further enquiries

Address:Ana Lauroba
Avgda. Diagonal 690 Despacho 2334

08034 - Barcelona
Email address:analauroba@ub.edu
Observations:Visiting hours must be scheduled via email.

I want to receive more information

All fields are required

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