Mitigació de l’impacte antropogènic
Non-destructive tools for efficiency assessment in low energy demand managed aquifer recharge and Wastewater Systems
The present project has the objective of developing new arrays for acquiring geophysical data (electrical resistivity tomography and induced polarisation) and correlating them with the data from the physicochemical and biological analysis of sediments and water samples in order to characterise and diagnose the state of the filter medium, without affecting the water quality improvement process and aquifer managed recharge procedure. The project is carried out on a laboratory scale and in active artificial aquifer recharge zones and nature-based wastewater treatment plants. It is also intended to predict the foreseeable evolution of the filter medium based on machine learning processes and develop support decision tools for the sustainable management of the filter medium.
The project (PID2022-137467OB-I00) is funded by the "Generación del Conocimiento 2022" program of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities





