
Mitigació de l’impacte antropogènic | Gestió sostenible de recursos naturals i economia ecològica
New tools to support decision-making in complex scenarios affected by the presence of radionuclides
The SupRa project focuses on the development of new techniques and resources (experimental approaches, analytical methods, new materials, databases of interaction parameters, and predictive models) to improve the management of complex scenarios affected by the presence of radionuclides, which lack complete information for adequate and reliable decision-making. The analytical challenges are the rapid quantification of radionuclides in complex materials originated by decommissioning actions or emergency situations, or the management of sites affected by contamination with naturally occurring radionuclides originated by industrial activities, where there is limited information on the interaction and mobility of some relevant radionuclides, such as Ra or Po.

​​​​​​​The project is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities under research grant PID2020-114551RB-I00.