Transició energètica i ecològica
Materials magnètics híbrids nanoescalats: nous actors clau que desencadenen la divisió de l'aigua en general solar.
Current green-H2 production through solar-driven photocatalytic overall water splitting (OWS) faces two main challenges to become a feasible energy vector: (i) the fast recombination of the photogenerated electron-hole (e--h+) pair and (ii) the need of high-cost materials. The research on solar-driven OWS has reached a stand-by point and the current project proposes a radically new concept: merging magnetic properties in a single nano-hybrid photocatalyst through an exquisite nanoengineer design. The project is built on the disruptive idea of using nanoscaled magnetic effects to unleash e--h+ pair lifetime values. Furthermore, the hybrid magnetic nanomaterial is low cost and earth abundant, displays broad visible-light absorption and allows for magneto-thermal activation. A combination of advanced chemical/physical methods will be implemented. Computational modelling will support the experimental part providing new insights into the hybrid catalyst design, properties and catalytic mechanisms.
SOLMAG-H2 (2023CLIMA00022) is funded by Agency for Management of Universities and Research Grants.


