Conservació de la biodiversitat
“Soberanía del Estado sobre los recursos naturales y carrera mundial por los minerales estratégicos para la transición energética: ¿Fundamento de un futuro sostenible y justo? (SOBTEN)
More than sixty years after the proclamation of the principle of "permanent sovereignty over natural resources" by UN General Assembly in 1962 and in the context of the current global race for strategic minerals for the energy transition, this project analyses the extent to which this principle provides an adequate basis for governing this race and promoting a more sustainable and just future. In today's increasingly multipolar and multi-crisis world, how will such a principle operate? To answer this question, it examines in depth the content, scope and evolution of the principle and its interactions and potential conflicts with other international legal norms, such as those relating to foreign investment, international trade regulation, environmental protection and human rights. Specifically, it aims to answer two questions: to what extent does this principle still constitute an adequate conceptual framework for framing a sustainable and just future; and to what extent does the existing international legal framework on foreign investment, international trade regulation, environmental protection and human rights provide mechanisms to anticipate, prevent and resolve multi-sectoral conflicts over strategic raw materials for the energy transition?

The project (PID2023-146791NB-I00) is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.