Objectives and competences

The only master's degree in Spain in customs management with very few specialists in the management of export/import control accredited and recognized by the European Union (EU Certificate of Recognition Awarded). It grants the professional qualification required by the OEA Programme - Authorized Economic Operator of the EU - considering themselves reliable partners in the global supply chain. This Master?s degree optionally complements with a foreign trade simulator and the experience of solving a practical case at the Port of Barcelona, on board the Barcelona-Rome Cruise.

Basic information

TypePostgraduate courses
CertificateLifelong learning master's degree certificate
Faculty or schoolFacultat de Dret
Branch of knowledge
  • Economic sciences, business administration and management, marketing, commerce, accounting and tourism
  • Law and legal specializations
Mode of deliveryDistance
Length of course1 academic year
Language(s) of instructionSpanish
Enrolment fee:First year: 3.920,00 €
An increase of 10% is applied to the price, up to a maximum of € 70, as administration fee
In-company placement(s):Yes, extracurricular
Start of teaching period:16/10/2025
End of teaching period:05/09/2026
Master's degree course homepage http://www.ub.edu/comercio-internacional/master/master-en-derecho-y-gestion-aduanera/
ManagmentMascarilla Miró, Òscar
Open pre-enrolmentNo
Lead to doctoral studiesNo
Admission for applicants not holding a degree qualification:Sí, amb crèdits pendents (10% o menys)

Objectives and competences


- To gain the knowledge and proficiency needed to meet the requirements to become an authorized economic operator (AEO), a customs broker, etc.
- To gain knowledge of: customs law and management, European regulations regarding customs, trafficking, money laundering and tax evasion, and the laws developing these regulations or supporting their implementation.

Access and admission

Applicant profile and access requirements

Recommended applicant profile

- Graduates in law, business management and administration, economics, etc., who want to specialize in the field of customs representation and management or who seek sufficient training to meet the requirements to become authorized economic operators (AEOs). Students earn a degree from the University of Barcelona and the accreditation of that degree by the European Commission (EU Certificate of Recognition Awarded) in the framework of the Authorised Economic Operator (type C) programme, which allows for customs simplifications and accreditation in the global supply chain.
- Professionals without a university degree who have an interest in the field of customs, in organizations dealing with customs delegation/representation, and in foreign trade in general (freight forwarders, etc.).

Access requirements and conditions

The course is also open to students with no prior university education, who will acquire the same knowledge and skills and receive a specific qualification for their learner group. Information on the access requirements and other conditions can be obtained from the course directors.


Contact us

Faculty or school where the course is taught

Address:Facultat de Dret
Av. Diagonal núm. 684

08034 - Barcelona
Email address:master.aduanas@ub.edu
Telephone:+34 699422971
Observations:synchronous online classes from 18:00 to 21:00 on Thursdays with industry experts, plus other online training through the Virtual Campus. Applicants who can prove that they have passed this master's degree will be exempt from taking the official theoretical test (see www.boe.es/boe/dias/2018/07/30/pdfs/BOE-A-2018-10813.pdf). Students earn a master's degree from the University of Barcelona and European Commission accreditation (EU Certificate of Recognition Awarded), a professional qualification required in the Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) programme, which allows for customs simplifications and accreditation in the global supply chain. Optionally, students can enter into a work placement agreement, attend trade fairs and take part in complementary programmes such as the SSS MOST Management Rome Logistics workshop course on board the Barcelona cruise ship in March / April (see www.youtube.com/watch?v= La9CKlBMMWo).

For further enquiries

Address:Dr Oscar Mascarilla i Miró
Av. Diagonal, 684. Facultat de Dret. Despatx 122

08011 - Barcelona
Email address:master.aduanas@ub.edu
Observations:for further information, please send an email to master.aduanas@ub.edu or visit the office from Monday to Friday, from 12 noon to 6 p.m. (telephone.

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