Objectives and competences

This course aims to review the basic concepts of mental pathologies specific to the perinatal stage (perinatal grief, traumatic birth, perinatal depression, attachment disorders.) as well as the risks associated with the presence of previous mental pathologies, in order to acquire knowledge in their prevention or identification and know the necessary actions in each case. This training is aimed at health professionals who want specialized training in the clinical management of perinatal mental disorders based on scientific evidence and clinical practices.

This postgraduate course forms part of the master's degree or postgraduate degree

Basic information

TypePostgraduate courses
CertificateExpert diploma
Faculty or schoolInstitut de Formació Contínua IL3
Branch of knowledge
  • Behavioural sciences and psychology
Mode of deliveryDistance
Length of course1 academic year
Language(s) of instructionSpanish
Enrolment fee:First year: 1.840,00 €
An increase of 10% is applied to the price, up to a maximum of € 70, as administration fee
In-company placement(s):No
Start of teaching period:28/10/2025
End of teaching period:22/02/2026
Master's degree course homepage http://www.il3.ub.edu
ManagmentGarcia Esteve, Lluïsa
Open pre-enrolmentNo
Lead to doctoral studiesNo
Admission for applicants not holding a degree qualification:No

Objectives and competences


- To gain the ability to identify and assess the most frequent mental health problems in the perinatal stage.
- Know the presentation, course and complications of specific perinatal mental disorders.
- Acquire psychoeducational and therapeutic tools that allow the initiation of actions and interventions based on scientific evidence and valuable clinical practices.

Access and admission

Applicant profile and access requirements

Recommended applicant profile

- Professionals, with a university degree in health sciences, who have an interest in perinatal mental health.
- Professionals who work in the areas of maternal and child health or mental health and are interested in knowing or improving attention to the mental health of women in the field of pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum and maternal behaviours of breastfeeding, attachment and parenting.
- Professionals in gynecology, obstetrics, neonatology, obstetrics and gynecology nursing (midwives) and pediatric nursing.
- General practitioners and social health workers.
- Professionals in psychology, psychiatry or nursing specialist in mental health.
- Students of psychology, medicine or nursing missing 10% of the credits required to obtain a university degree may apply; in this case, their acceptance on the course will be determined by their curriculum vitae and letter of interest.

Academic requirements: English level B2 (some required readings and videos are in English).

Access requirements and conditions


Contact us

Faculty or school where the course is taught

Address:Institut de Formació Contínua - UB
C/ Ciutat de Granada, 131

08018 - Barcelona
Email address:admisiones@il3.ub.edu
Telephone:93 309 36 54
Observations:tardes entre setmana a partir de les 19:00.

For further enquiries

Address:Institut de Formació Contínua - UB
C/ Ciutat de Granada, 131

08018 - Barcelona
Email address:admisiones@il3.ub.edu
Telephone:93 309 36 54
Observations:De dilluns a dijous de 9:00 a 21:00 hores i divendres de 9:00 a 15:00 h Horari de juliol: de dilluns a divendres de 9:00 a 16:00 h. Horari d'agost: de dilluns a divendres de 9:00 a 16:00 h. Horari de Nadal: de dilluns a divendres de 9:00 a 16:00 h.

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