Objectives and competences
This postgraduate programme aims to equip students with the theoretical, technical and thorough scientific knowledge they need to develop their skills in the field of treating eating disorders. To this end, the teaching staff consists of both renowned scientists in the study of these pathologies and professionals with extensive experience in their treatment. Theoretical integration, coupled with its applicability in clinical practice, is the core of this teaching unit.
This postgraduate course forms part of the master's degree or postgraduate degree
This postgraduate course forms part of the master's degree or postgraduate degree
Basic information
Type | Postgraduate courses |
Certificate | Specialization diploma |
Faculty or school | Institut de Formació Contínua IL3 |
Branch of knowledge |
Mode of delivery | Face-to-face |
Credits | 30 |
Length of course | 1 academic year |
Language(s) of instruction | Spanish |
Enrolment fee | First year: 2.650,00 € An increase of 10% is applied to the price, up to a maximum of € 70, as administration fee |
In-company placement(s) | No |
Start of teaching period | 18/10/2024 |
End of teaching period | 27/06/2025 |
master@itasaludmental.com | |
Master's degree course homepage | https://itasaludmental.com/master-ub |
Managment | Feixas Viaplana, Guillem |
Open pre-enrolment | https://itasaludmental.com/master-ub |
Lead to doctoral studies | No |
Admission for applicants not holding a degree qualification | No |
Objectives and competences
Access and admission
Applicant profile and access requirements
Recommended applicant profile
- Graduates in psychology or medicine and specialists in clinical psychology or psychiatry.- Graduates in Human Nutrition.
- Graduates or diploma-holders in nursing may be admitted depending on the curriculum followed.
Access requirements and conditions
Contact us
Address | Institut de Trastorns Alimentaris (ITA) Avenir 14 08006 - Barcelona Espanya |
Email address | master@itasaludmental.com |
Webpage | https://itasaludmental.com/master-ub |
Telephone | 93 253 01 37 |
Observations | divendres, de 15:00 a 20:00, i dissabte, de 9:00 a 13:00 (classes teòriques); de dilluns a dijous, de 9:30 a 14:30 i de 14:30 a 19:30, i divendres, de 9:30 a 14:30 (entrenament pràctic). S'assignen blocs als estudiants fins que cadascun assoleixi un total de 300 hores. L'entrenament pràctic es fa en horari convingut amb l'estudiant fins a assolir les hores indicades al pla docent. Els blocs estan compresos en els horaris següents: de dilluns a dijous, de 9:00 a 15:00 o de 15:00 a 21:00, i divendres, de 9:00 a 14:00 (format híbrid). |
Further information
Address | Institut de Trastorns Alimentaris (ITA) Avenir 14 08006 - Barcelona Espanya |
Email address | master@itasaludmental.com |
Webpage | https://itasaludmental.com/master-ub |
Telephone | 93 253 01 37 |
Observations | dilluns, dimecres i divendres, de 15:00 a 19:00 (atenció presencial), i de dilluns a dijous, de 13:00 a 19:00 (atenció telefònica). |