Objectives and competences

This specialization diploma offers broad specialized training with the objective of acquire competences to work with a multidisciplinary approach in contexts of comprehensive attention, research and knowledge spreading of the field. The general objective of this course is for students to acquire theoretical and practical training as professionals involved in hospital education from a comprehensive and biopsychosocial approach, to contribute to patient well-being and quality of life.

This postgraduate course forms part of the master's degree or postgraduate degree

Basic information

TypePostgraduate courses
CertificateSpecialization diploma
Faculty or schoolFacultat d'Educació
Branch of knowledge
  • Interdisciplinary
  • Education sciences
  • Behavioural sciences and psychology
Mode of deliveryBlended
Length of course1 academic year
Language(s) of instructionSpanish
Enrolment fee:First year: 1.800,00 €
An increase of 10% is applied to the price, up to a maximum of € 70, as administration fee
In-company placement(s):No
Start of teaching period:25/10/2024
End of teaching period:19/07/2025
Master's degree course homepage https://pedagogiahospitalariaalolargodelavida.wordpress.com/
ManagmentMéndez Ulrich, Jorge Luis
Open pre-enrolmentNo
Lead to doctoral studiesNo
Admission for applicants not holding a degree qualification:Sí, amb crèdits pendents (10% o menys)

Objectives and competences


- Acquire theoretical and practical professional training in psychoeducational action within hospital education to work on health problems with an integrated care perspective.
- To contribute to the well-being and quality of life of all patients.

Access and admission

Applicant profile and access requirements

Recommended applicant profile

Professionals in health sciences, education, social sciences and other professionals with university qualifications.

Access requirements and conditions

The course is also open to students with no prior university education, who will acquire the same knowledge and skills and receive a specific qualification for their learner group. Information on the access requirements and other conditions can be obtained from the course directors.



05/07/2024 30/11/2024

Contact us

Faculty or school where the course is taught

Address:Facultat d'Educació
Avda. Vall d'Hebron, 171, Campus Mundet. UB.

08035 - Barcelona
Email address:masterph@ub.edu
Observations:divendres i alguns dijous de 15:30 a 20:30.

For further enquiries

Address:Jorge Luis Méndez Ulrich
Avda. Vall d'Hebron, 171, Campus Mundet. UB.

08035 - Barcelona
Email address:masterph@ub.edu
Observations:a concertar.

I want to receive more information

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