
The bachelor's degree in Cinematography forms students so that they can access the cinematographic and audiovisual professional sector in general. Graduates must be able to express themselves through audiovisual language and know and develop in a creative way the different trades in this field: direction, art direction, photography direction, screenwriting, film editing, production, digital production and sound.

In addition to assimilating the mechanisms of audiovisual language and knowing how to use them to tell stories, students must have the ability to analyse and value all kinds of film languages, as well as know and use the latest technologies in the sector.

Team work is an essential part of the degree in Cinematography. Students must be able to lead collective projects and collaborate productively with the rest of the members of a production team.

With the presence of a remarkable number of professionals in the teaching staff, we aim to achieve a convergence between educational approaches and the needs of the film industry, as well as to promote direct contact between the classroom and the profession.

Basic information

TypeBachelor's degrees
Faculty or schoolCentre for Advanced Studies in Cinema and Audiovisuals - ESCAC
Branch of knowledge
  • Arts and Humanities
Number of places available


Length of course4 academic years
Admission grade


Approximate price per credit18,46 €
Compulsory placementsYes
Course detailsIndicators

Objectives and competences



Access and admission

Applicant profile and access requirements

Recommended applicant profile

A solid foundation in secondary education studies related to visual media, communication and expression, and a series of social, research and IT skills.

  • Language competence in Catalan and Spanish.
  • Communication skills in English.
  • Analytical and critical skills in language.
  • Non-verbal communication skills.
  • Analytical skills in the processing of information and data, and the ability to draw salient conclusions from these.
  • Familiarity with information retrieval techniques using a variety of sources.
  • Familiarity with online and virtual communication media.
  • Familiarity with office suites and audiovisual tools.
  • Creative capacity and entrepreneurial initiative.
  • Social and ethical commitment.
  • Positive social attitudes in working environments.

Successfully completed upper secondary school and/or school leaver studies in the following areas and subjects:
1) in art, subjects including audiovisual studies, drawing, design, and performing arts;
2) in sciences and technology, subjects including technical drawing, physics, and mathematics;
3) in humanities and social sciences, subjects including business economics, art history, contemporary world history, and world literature studies.

Access requirements and conditions

Admission for students with studies completed outside Spain.

Applicants holding higher educational qualifications from a university outside Spain should consult the page Admission with foreign qualifications to find out about specific admission requirements.


Students that have studied abroad and who wish to study at the University of Barcelona may be admitted to EHEA bachelor's degree courses. Procedures for gaining admission will depend on the qualifications held by each applicant.

For further information about admission, consult the page Admission with foreign qualifications.


As a general rule, at the UB you will be required to enrol online via the Món UB portal. To find out the date and time you have been assigned, check the specific information for your course. Remember that you can lose your place if you do not enrol on the day you have been assigned.

Academic information


Support and guidance

Pre-enrolment information and events

Course curriculum

Subjects and course plans

Distribution of credits

Basic training 60
Compulsory 138
Optional 18
Compulsory placements 6
Compulsory final project 18

List of subjects

Subject Language Type Credits
Practicals in Audiovisual Narrative I Compulsory 12
Editing Basic training 6
Film Analysis Basic training 6
Scriptwriting Basic training 6
Still Photography Basic training 6
History of Cinema I Basic training 6
Mise-en-Scène Basic training 6
Postproduction Workshop I Compulsory 6
Practicals in Audiovisual Narrative II Compulsory 6
Subject Language Type Credits
Practicals in Audiovisual Narrative III Compulsory 12
Art Direction Basic training 6
Cinematography Basic training 6
History of Cinema II Basic training 6
Production Workshop Compulsory 6
Postproduction Workshop II Compulsory 6
Practicals in Audiovisual Narrative IV Compulsory 6
Scenography Workshop Compulsory 6
Sound Basic training 6
Subject Language Type Credits
Practicals in Audiovisual Narrative V Compulsory 18
Basic Plots Compulsory 6
Documentary Compulsory 6
History of Cinema III Compulsory 6
Imaginaries of Video Games Compulsory 6
Television Series Compulsory 6
Subject Language Type Credits
Animated Film Compulsory 6
Genre, Feminisms and Contemporary Audiovisual Culture Compulsory 6
History of Cinema IV Compulsory 6
Production Compulsory 6
Final Project Compulsory final project 18
Institutional or Company Placement Practices 6
Trends in Contemporary Cinema Compulsory 6
Subject Language Type Credits
Art Direction Techniques Optional 12
Avant-Garde Cinema Optional 6
Cinematographic Genres Optional 6
Cinematography Techniques Optional 12
Directing Techniques Optional 12
Documentary Techniques Optional 12
Editing Techniques Optional 12
Film Criticism Optional 6
Pop Culture Optional 6
Production Techniques Optional 12
Screenwriting Techniques Optional 12
Sound Techniques Optional 12
Trends in Contemporary Documentary Making Optional 6

Pathways and specializations

Check the planning of the different pathways of the degree

Previous years


Placements in a company or another type of organization are an integral part of university studies, providing first-hand experience of working methodologies in students' chosen professional fields. They offer invaluable practical experience for the transition into work after graduation.

Placements are supervised by tutors and subject to assessment. They are therefore included in the academic record.  There is also an option to complete non-curricular placements of up to 500 hours, which can be extended to 900 hours. For both curricular and non-curricular placements, an educational cooperation agreement is signed between the UB and the company, institution or other organization at which the placement will be carried out.

Institutional information

Career opportunities

What can you work on ?

Access to the labour market

Data from the university system in Catalonia

Contact us

The Film and Audiovisual School of Catalonia (ESCAC)
Plaça de la Farinera, 9 - 08222 Terrassa (Barcelona)

Secretary: 937 361 555
Activities for prospective students
Consult all the activities