Surfing for science

We are researching microplastics pollution in coastal areas by analysing the abundance, dimensions, colours and types of polymers present.
We have already characterized more than fifty thousand plastics, which has allowed us to take a giant step forward in understanding the distribution of plastics floating in the oceans, raising individual and collective awareness of the global microplastics crisis. We have managed to involve and interact with organizations of different types (environment, sport, educational and social). These organizations have led the collection of scientific samples, and once analysed, the results have been continuously incorporated into social networks and with an app to promote the dissemination and transfer of the results.
  • To research microplastics pollution in coastal areas.
  • To analyse the abundance, dimensions, colours and types of polymers present in order to investigate mechanisms of dispersion and fragmentation, exposure time and the sources of these types of pollutants.

To acquire data with spatial and temporal resolution outside the scope of any institution to make the citizens the real drivers of the project.

  • Social groups and organizations.
  • Sports associations and clubs.
  • Environmental organizations.
  • Public bodies.
  • Companies.
  • Bachelor's and master's degree students.
  • Different citizen groups obtain scientific samples of microplastics every fortnight by dragging a net from a rowboat.
  • The design of specific protocols for sample processing (sample scanning and image processing with free software) is essential.

We have managed to involve and interact with different organizations (environmental, sport, educational and social). These organizations have led the collection of scientific samples, and once analysed, the results have been continuously incorporated into social networks and with an app to promote the dissemination and transfer of the results.

  • Examination and identification more than fifty thousand plastics, which has allowed us to take a giant step forward in understanding the distribution of plastics floating in the oceans.
  • Individual and collective awareness-raising with regard to the global microplastics crisis.
presentació i metodologia del projecte