
We assess the ecological and hydrological status of a river simply and easily using a mobile phone app.
The project is giving visibility to our rivers and streams as complex ecosystems that must be managed in order to improve them and conserve their structure. We are collecting specific data with rigorous but simple protocols that anyone can follow. The mobile app transmits the collected information to the scientific team. We are committed to transferring science to society, to environmental volunteerism and to citizen participation in bringing about changes in regional environments through the data generated.
app riunet

To assess the ecological and hydrological status of a river simply and easily using a mobile phone app and transmit the data to the scientific team.


To actively commit to the transfer of science to society, to environmental volunteerism and to citizen participation.


Anyone who is interested can participate, but the tool will prove useful for:

  • Many lecturers, teachers and trainers.
  • Groups that carry out diagnostic evaluations of rivers and streams.

Standardizing and validating data to make it comparable with other data collected with different working protocols allows for improved communication with environmental management agencies.

Positive examples and lessons learned that allow for the implementation of regional changes after a few years of working with citizen-generated data.

The protocols are rigorous but simple to prevent the scientific citizens, especially the adults, from rejecting them or being intimidated by them.

  • Increased visibility of our rivers and streams as complex ecosystems that must be managed in order to improve them and conserve their structure.
  • Scientific data on the status of rivers to complement the information collected by public agencies.
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