Every Walk You Take

We identify factors that impede or facilitate active living and promote a more liveable and resilient city landscape.
We have managed to engage with stakeholders in the Trinitat Vella and Bon Pastor neighbourhoods. Our point of contact has been the adult education centres in the two neighbourhoods, which are attended by people from a range of socio-economic statuses, thus minimizing selection bias. Through co-creation, we are developing a uHealth platform with real-time shared walking routes personalized based on geolocation and individual preferences, weather and air quality.
dibuix de passos
To co-create a uHealth platform with real-time walking routes personalized based on geolocation and individual preferences, weather and air quality.
Using scientifically validated instruments, we aim to empower citizens to experience an active and healthy ageing process.
  • ​​​​​​​Researcher from the University.
  • General public.
  • Teaching teams from adult education centres
  • Healthcare professionals.
  • Other neighbourhood stakeholders (staff of community facilities: preschools, libraries and civic centres).
  • Depth research team led by Professor Tarun Katapally.
  • Barcelona Public Health Agency.
In a very short time, we have been able to engage with numerous stakeholders from the Trinitat Vella and Bon Pastor neighbourhoods. Our point of contact has been the adult education centres in the two neighbourhoods, which are attended by people from a range of socio-economic statuses, thus minimizing selection bias.
  • Improved health literacy and empowerment of the population with an impact in the reduction of health inequality.
  • A more liveable and resilient city landscape through the identification of factors that impede and facilitate active living.
descripció i metodologia del projecte