
The management of the data collected and how to share and communicate them.
  • Data must be managed carefully, with secure storage systems.
  • Data quality can be monitored with the participants themselves or with data quality experts.
  • Data must be open. They can focus on the concerns of a community or group.
  • The data collected help provide knowledge with the capacity for social transformation.

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Citizen science generates data and evidence that would be hard or impossible to obtain otherwise:

  • It creates new data reflecting the concerns of a community or collective.
  • It generates information and knowledge that is difficult to obtain without participation.
  • It provides actionable knowledge.

Data management:

  • Have secure and organised storage systems in accordance with current legislation.

  • Supervise the quality of the data with the participants themselves or with experts.

  • Document the data with tutorials and metadata.

  • Follow the standards.

  • Preserve people's privacy.

  • Recognize participants as co-authors.

  • Easy to find
  • Accessible and well-documented
  • Connectible to other data and information sources
  • Reusable for other initiatives or by other actors
  • Dynamics of citizen participation
  • Communication and monitoring of the project
  • Academic and social impact of the research
  • Changes in perception, attitude and knowledge among participants
  • Make data more comprehensible with clear and concise messages
  • Publish data in open repositories
  • Publish documentation and results in peer-reviewed scientific journals
  • Organize communication and dissemination activities: talks, events, newsletters, hackathons...
  • Create tools for data visualization and easy navigation
infografia sobre les dades

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