Cròniques de la calor

We identify high-use public spaces and record their temperatures, including users' perceptions of the heat.
We have designed a very precise protocol that includes the categorization of high-use public spaces, the administration of heat surveys and the organization of group walks to measure heat levels. We have obtained new micro-scale scientific evidence on extreme heat, combining geo-located records of temperature measured with low-cost sensors and the heat perception of residents, with whom we share tools and data. We are developing proposals for transformative changes to urban spaces.
mercat de santa caterina
  • To identify the most high-use and hottest public spaces in the neighbourhood.
  • To share the perceived temperature of these spaces.
  • To collectively measure the temperature at different locations in the neighbourhood with sensors.
Urban heat islands and extreme heat are a source of concern in cities all over the world. This project aims to consider the experiences and perceptions of the most affected residents in this regard.
  • Municipal libraries.
  • Neighbourhood and charity associations.
  • Primary and secondary schools in the Barcelona metropolitan area.
  • Sharing perceptions, knowledge and experience of residents.
  • Involving organizations of civil society and making direct contact with residents as people who are knowledgeable about their social concerns are key factors of the project.

The collective interpretation of the results, combining geo-localized temperatures and residents' perception of heat, is making it possible to formulate proposals for transformative changes in urban spaces.

A very precise protocol has been designed that includes:

  • Identifying and categorizing the most relevant public space.
  • Administering surveys on heat.
  • Group walks to measure heat levels.
  • New micro-scale scientific evidence on extreme heat combined with geo-localized temperatures and the heat perception of residents.
  • Tools and data to allow residents to propose measures to mitigate the problem of extreme heat.
CoActuem per a la salut mental