
We encourage children to participate in their city and promote their inclusion as active citizens.
This project strives to strengthen the modes and means of collective participation among children and adolescents. It has achieved increased participation of children in their municipalities and has strengthened existing mechanisms for the inclusion of this demographic by overcoming the obstacles posed by adult-centred positions and reinforcing development to generate new proposals linked to participatory processes and self-organized participation.
mans alçades
  • ​​​​​​​To make progress in promoting the participation of children in their communities and their inclusion as active citizens.
  • To strengthen the modes and means of collective participation among children and adolescents.
To identify the key factors and strategies to be adopted so that professionals can reflect on how to innovate in the participation of children and adolescents as active citizens who take part in and are engaged in decisions that affect their community.
  • Fifteen town and city councils.
  • Fifteen children's and young people's councils.
  • The International Association of Educating Cities. 
  • UNICEF Spain.
  • The Childhood and Adolescence Network (RIA). 
  • The project encourages reflective processes to stimulate innovation in ways to encourage the participation of children in socio-educational contexts with other children and community members.
  • This project and others that give it continuity promote the co-creation of spaces for participation by children and adolescents (children's platforms).

Ten proposals for politicians and municipal officers to advance the participation of children and adolescents.

  • Increased child participation in municipalities, strengthening existing mechanisms and generating new proposals linked to participatory processes and self-organized participation.
  • The inclusion of children as active citizens and the provision of training to ensure their participation is meaningful, overcoming adult-centred positions and reinforcing development.
  • Factors for change and improvement were identified through a participatory diagnostic assessment involving children, adolescents and municipal officers.
Presentació del projecte i la metodologia