The group of Spanish Universities in European Universities (UEUE) is born

The aim of the EUEU is to create an environment of cooperation that allows the sharing of knowledge, experiences and good practices. In addition to the universities in the group, it is also expected to work together with the rest of higher education institutions, as well as the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities; the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE); the National Agency for Evaluation and Accreditation (ANECA), and the Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education (SEPIE). The aim is to serve as a national liaison with the sixty-four partnerships of the ForEU4All project, to address the challenges faced by the Spanish university system in the European context.
Spanish universities in European alliances (55 in 52 alliances out of a total of 64 in 2024)
University of Granada - Arqus (coordinator)
Universitat Rovira i Virgili - Aurora
University of Barcelona - CHARM-EU (coordinator)
Instituto de Empresa - CIVICA
Autonomous University of Madrid - CIVIS
University of Castilla -La Mancha -COLOURS
University of Salamanca -EC2U
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona -ECIU
Universitat Jaume I - EDUC
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - EELISA (coordinator)
Ramon Llull University - ENGAGE.EU
Universitat Politècnica de València -ENHANCE
University of the Basque Country -ENLIGHT
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - ERUA
University of Extremadura – EU GREEN (coordinator)
University of Mondragon - EU4DUAL (coordinator)
Valencia Catholic University Saint Vincent Martir -EU-CONEXUS
University of Alcalá - EUGLOH
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos -EULiST
University of Cantabria - EUNICE
University of Murcia - EUniWell
University of Santiago de Compostela (Santiago de Compostela and Campus Lugo) - EUniWell
Comillas Pontifical University -EUPeace
University of León - EURECA-PRO
IESE Business School University of Navarra - EuroTeQ
Technical University of Cartagena -EUt+
Pompeu Fabra University - EUTOPIA (coordinator)
Universitat de València- FORTHEM
Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya -IN.TUNE
University of Oviedo - NGENIUM (coordinator)
University of Córdoba - INVEST
University of Jaén - NEOLAiA (coordinator)
Miguel Hernández University in Elche -NeurotechEU
University Burgos - RUN-EU
University of Cádiz - SEA-EU (coordinadora)
University La Laguna - -ARS EU
University of Alacant - Transform4Europe
University of Sevilla - Ulysseus (coordinator)
Complutense Universit yof Madrid - UNA Europa
University of Deusto - UNIC
University of Almería UNIGREEN (coordinator)
Public University of Navarra - UNITA
University of Zaragoza - UNITA
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – BarcelonaTech - Unite!
University Carlos III de Madrid - YUFE
Francisco de Vitoria University - ACE2-EU
University of Girona - ACROSS alliance
European University of Valencia -CHALLENGE.EU
University of La Coruña - EMERGE
University of the Balearic Islands - EUNICoast
Abat Oliba CEU University - EUonAIR
National Universtiy of Distance Education -OpenEU
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya - OpenEU (coordinator)
University of Huelva - PIONEER
University of Málaga - UNINOVIS
(*) Universities participating in the nine quality label partnerships in the 2024 call will be incorporated as they apply.