The University of Barcelona, second university worldwide in Gastroenterology and Hepatology

In the field of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, the University of Barcelona got a score of 90.04 out of 100, following Harvard University (first position), and it gets the third position in Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry, with a score of 94.89. In this category, the Nanjing University and the University of Valencia are ranked first and second, respectively.
The good results of the UB are seen again in Pharmacology and Pharmacy, in which the UB is listed as the fourth university worldwide, with a score of 93.67, following Harvard University, the University College of London and the University of Toronto. Last, the UB is in the top ten (with the ninth position) in Analytical Chemistry, with a score of 90.32.
The Center for World University Rankings has analysed the data obtained from Clarivate Analytics (previously Thomson Reuters) from more than 26.000 universities and it has listed them into 227 fields corresponding to sciences and social sciences. To list the universities in those fields, CWUR has focused on the number of published articles in the scientific journals with the highest impact.