The University of Barcelona leads the main call for research projects in Spain

The UB is the leading university in Spain regarding funding and number of accepted projects in the main Spanish call for research projects of the National Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2013-2016 . According to the temporary results given by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), 125 UB projects, out of the 199 that were proposed, will receive financial aid, only after the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC).

The UB is the leading university in Spain regarding funding and number of accepted projects in the main Spanish call for research projects of the National Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2013-2016 . According to the temporary results given by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), 125 UB projects, out of the 199 that were proposed, will receive financial aid, only after the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC).
57 projects are part of the category Challenges, aids that aim to look for solutions to the identified challenges in the Spanish Strategy of Science, Technology and Innovation. This includes the fields of: a) Health, demographic change and welfare; b) Safety and food quality; agricultural, productive and sustainable activity; sustainability of natural resources, marine research; c) Secure, efficient and clean energy; d) green, smart and integrated transport; e) Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials; f) social changes and innovation; g) digital economy and society; h) safety, protection and defence. In this category, the UB will receive a total of 7.487.238 euros, with indirect expenses included. The projects with more funding belong to the areas of Biomedicine, Biodiversity, Earth Sciences and Global Change, and Food and Agriculture Resources and Technologies.
The University of Barcelona is also leader in the excellence category with 68 projects and a funding of 5.707.815 euros, with indirect expenses included. This modality promotes basic research, aiming to get new knowledge despite not having immediate expectations of any practical and direct application of it. Philology, Philosophy, Physics, History and Art are the theme areas that got more funding in this category.
Although these data belong to a provisional resolution given by MINECO, possible changes regarding the definite resolution are not very common, if any.