The University of Barcelona is the leading Spanish university in the last edition of RUR World University Rankings

The University of Barcelona is once more leading a university ranking at a Spanish level. This is shown in the last results of the 2017 edition of the Round University Rankings (RUR). The improvement of the institution in the list has been notable, since it has undergone an upgrade of 9 positions globally (from 221 to 212) and at a state level too, in which it has reached the first position, followed by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

The University of Barcelona is once more leading a university ranking at a Spanish level. This is shown in the last results of the 2017 edition of the Round University Rankings (RUR). The improvement of the institution in the list has been notable, since it has undergone an upgrade of 9 positions globally (from 221 to 212) and at a state level too, in which it has reached the first position, followed by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
Regarding the assessments of the ranking, the University of Barcelona got a good score in Teaching, holding the 188th position worldwide and second position at a state level, and in Research, holding the 186th position worldwide and 1st position in Spain. The results lower in International Diversity (304) and Financial Sustainability (554). These marks enable the UB entering the Silver League at a global level and Golden League in Teaching and Research.
Regarding Financial Sustainability, the category of “papers per research income”, the number of publications of the institution compared to the research budget of the university is important. The University of Barcelona closes the global top 20 in this field, which means it has a great scientific performance regarding the resources it receives for research.
The ranking is led by Harvard University, California Institute of Technology and the University of Chicago. The first European university is the Imperial College of London, holding the fourth position. In Spain, the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona holds the 226th position and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid the 278th.
The RUR World University Rankings compare 930 universities from 80 worldwide countries with 20 indicators divided into four areas: teaching, research, international diversity and financial sustainability.
More information about the ranking here.