The UB, among the top 100 universities worldwide in Webometrics ranking
The University of Barcelona appears for the first time among the top 100 universities worldwide in the Webometrics Ranking Web of Universities, specifically in the 92nd position. The UB is also listed among the top 100 positions (91) in a ranking on the most international universities, published by the journal The Times Higher Education.
The University of Barcelona appears for the first time among the top 100 universities worldwide in the Webometrics Ranking Web of Universities, specifically in the 92nd position. The UB is also listed among the top 100 positions (91) in a ranking on the most international universities, published by the journal The Times Higher Education.
The Webometrics Ranking Web of Universities does not assess the number of visitors or the design but it uses several indicators for websites and their activity to assess the universities regarding teaching, research and transfer. Also, in the same way citations of scientific articles are used as a tool in several rankings, Webometrics uses the analysis of links to conduct a quality evaluation. The ranking is carried out by the Cybermetrics Lab, from the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), which measures the websites of more than 31,000 universities worldwide. The UB is the only Spanish university to appear among the top 100 ones in the ranking, followed by the Autonomous University of Barcelona (156th position).
The list of most international universities, presented by The Times Higher Education, has been carried out with indicators taken from the global ranking carried out by this publication every year. In particular, it has considered the amount of international students in the university, the international staff, publications with at least one international co-author, and the international reputation of the university with a questionnaire to distinguished academic staff of different countries. The UB is the only Spanish university to appear among the 100 most international institutions, followed by the Complutense University of Madrid, which holds the 29th position.