The researcher Manuel Irimia, honoured with the 16th Award of the Council of Doctors of the UB

This year, 88 candidates were presented, from all science and humanities specialities offered at the UB.
This year, 88 candidates were presented, from all science and humanities specialities offered at the UB.

The jury of the 16th Award of the Council of Doctors of the UB resolved yesterday, 11th December, to confer this year award on the researcher Manuel Irimia, for this doctoral thesis Cambio genómico y evo-devo: origen y evolución del sistema nervioso central en cordados, supervised by Jordi Garcia, professor at the Department of Genetics of the Faculty of Biology.

This year, 88 candidates were presented, from all science and humanities specialities offered at the UB.
This year, 88 candidates were presented, from all science and humanities specialities offered at the UB.

The jury of the 16th Award of the Council of Doctors of the UB resolved yesterday, 11th December, to confer this year award on the researcher Manuel Irimia, for this doctoral thesis Cambio genómico y evo-devo: origen y evolución del sistema nervioso central en cordados, supervised by Jordi Garcia, professor at the Department of Genetics of the Faculty of Biology.

All the authors of doctoral theses publicly defended from 1st January to 31st December 2010 in the University of Barcelona were able to participate in 2012 Award. This year, 88 candidates were presented, from all science and humanities specialities offered at the UB.

In addition to the award conferred on Manuel Irima, the jury gave a second prize to Oriol Arteaga, for his thesis Mueller matrix polarimetry of ansotropic chiral media, supervised by the professor Adolf Canillas, from the Department of Applied Physics and Optics. The third prize was conferred on Carles Múrcia Sánchez for his work La llengua amaziga a lʼantiguitat a partir de les fonts gregues i llatines, led by the professor Ignasi Adiego, from the Department of Latin.

A recognition certificate was given to the short-listed works; one of them to Antoni Luque for the thesis Structure, mechanical properties, and self-assembly of viral capsids, supervised by David Reguera, from the Department of Fundamental Physics of the Faculty of Physics. Gemma Navarro received the other certificate for her thesis Interrelaciones moleculares y funcionales entre receptores de dopamina, cannabionoides y adenosina en el estriado, co-supervised by the emeritus professor Carme Lluís and the professor Enric L. Canela, both from the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the Faculty of Biology. Both faculties, the Physics and the Biology one, are affiliated to the campus of international excellence BKC.

The jury, chaired by the acting rector, Dídac Ramírez, was composed by Joan Bosch, vice-president of the Council of Doctors; M. Rosa Buxarrais; Marta Giralt; Carme Junqué; José Gaspar Lorén; Josep Manel Parra; Marta Segarra; Xavier M. Triadó; and Jaume Mascaró, as a secretary. The quality and relevance of the theses presented were noted in the minutes; a great number of these theses had already been named by the different faculties to receive a doctorate special award.

The Award of the Council of Doctors of the UB, annually given since 1997, aims at disseminating and promoting the work developed by young people who get their PhD at the University of Barcelona. The award also collaborates in spreading the academic and social prestige of PhD, the maximum academic level that students can reach in a university institution.