The project "Modernisme: accés obert" (Modernism: open access) holds a datathon

On November 29, the second datathon meeting will take place within the project “Modernisme: accés obert”, funded by RecerCaixa and developed by the Research Group of History of Art and Contemporary Design (GRACMON) of the University of Barcelona in the master degree on Cultural Heritage Management and Museology, the master in Digital Content Management and the postgraduate degree in Introduction of Data Science and Big Data. A datathon is an experience that gathers programmers, computer engineers, designers, data scientists and people from other fields to work on the analysis and study of a set of data related to a certain topic.

On November 29, the second datathon meeting will take place within the project “Modernisme: accés obert”, funded by RecerCaixa and developed by the Research Group of History of Art and Contemporary Design (GRACMON) of the University of Barcelona in the master degree on Cultural Heritage Management and Museology, the master in Digital Content Management and the postgraduate degree in Introduction of Data Science and Big Data. A datathon is an experience that gathers programmers, computer engineers, designers, data scientists and people from other fields to work on the analysis and study of a set of data related to a certain topic.
The project Modernisme: accés obert, linked to the research group GRACMON, is led by the researcher Mireia Freixa, from the University of Barcelona. It is about creating an innovative resource to study and share historical, artistic and cultural heritage of the Catalan modernism, through an open online access (website and phone devices), so that users can create their own cultural itineraries, among other options.
The aim is to respond to the social challenge of a universal access to a heritage which is particularly relevant in Catalonia, both for its social and cultural meaning and for the importance it has as an economic and touristic vector. The final aim of the project is to create a repository as an only open site, which will allow locating in a single way the information about art works belonging to Modernism in all the Catalan territory.
This repository will enable researchers who are interested in this subject, but it aims to get to all kinds of public, including the millions of toursits that visit Catalonia each year, to enrich the vision of people on Modernism. The datathon will bring several advantages to the project, such as the creation of new information patterns in the atmosphere of history of art and design, and also new techniques and tools to support research and dissemination. Furthermore, by informing about the existence of this new set of data to the most technological sector of society and communities linked to data analysis, the project makes people aware of the exploitation options and opportunities for research and the generation of new knowledge offered by these data linked to humanities, which are not included in the data that are usually treated in these sectors.
“Modernisme: accés obert” is an initiative driven by the program RecerCaixa, by Obra Social la Caixa, in collaboration with the Catalan Association of Public Universities (ACUP).