The Northern Mediterranean Transactional Campus is born

The University of Barcelona, the Aix-Marseille University, the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and the Sapienza University of Rome have signed an agreement to create the Northern Mediterranean Transactional Campus, a project of academic and scientific cooperation with four main aims: to strengthen relations between the participating universities regarding mobility, training, research and innovation; to carry out large projects together within the European and international frameworks; to define shared targeted themes and fields of excellence; and to highlight the academic and scientific potential of these four universities as well as their mobilization capacities and ranking positions.

The University of Barcelona, the Aix-Marseille University, the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and the Sapienza University of Rome have signed an agreement to create the Northern Mediterranean Transactional Campus, a project of academic and scientific cooperation with four main aims: to strengthen relations between the participating universities regarding mobility, training, research and innovation; to carry out large projects together within the European and international frameworks; to define shared targeted themes and fields of excellence; and to highlight the academic and scientific potential of these four universities as well as their mobilization capacities and ranking positions.
So far, the following practical actions have been identified: developing student mobility of multiple studies between the universities in the campus, strengthening cooperation within European projects and strengthening the collaboration in research projects; and working together to create a shared summer school. The four universities in the project gather a total of 300.000 students.