La Marató de 2018 presents advances in the fight against cancer
The 2018 Marató de 3Cat i Catalunya Ràdio, focused on cancer research, achieved a historic score of fifteen million euros — the largest investment in research made by this solidarity project — to fund 43 research projects of excellence developed by 96 teams and nearly 600 leading experts in this field. The scientific results of the call, in which teams linked to the University of Barcelona took part, were presented to the public at the 25th La Marató social return event, which took place recently at the TV3 facilities.
The 2018 Marató de 3Cat i Catalunya Ràdio, focused on cancer research, achieved a historic score of fifteen million euros — the largest investment in research made by this solidarity project — to fund 43 research projects of excellence developed by 96 teams and nearly 600 leading experts in this field. The scientific results of the call, in which teams linked to the University of Barcelona took part, were presented to the public at the 25th La Marató social return event, which took place recently at the TV3 facilities.
During the event, hosted by journalist Gemma Nierga, the progress in research into new tools for prevention, diagnosis and more effective treatments to increase the quality of life and life expectancy of patients was highlighted.
Regarding UB, it is worth highlighting the results of projects such as “Compostos bioactius dels aliments i el risc de càncer de pròstata. Bases científiques per a futures recomanacions dietètiques” (Bioactive compounds in food and the risk of prostate cancer. Scientific basis for future dietary recommendations), carried out by Maria Cristina Andrés Lacueva, from the UB’s Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Sciences, the Institute for Research in Nutrition and Food Safety (INSA-UB) and the Torribera Food Campus of the University of Barcelona, and Raül Zamora, from the Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL). In this study of nutrimentabolomics, it has been observed that different metabolites related to the consumption of polyphenols and derivatives of the microbiota are associated with a lower risk of prostate cancer. In the project “Abordatges endoscòpics mínimament invasius per a tumors cerebrals complexos. Disseny de nous models anatòmics i aplicació clínica” (Minimally invasive endoscopic approaches for complex brain tumours. Design of new anatomical models and clinical application), experts Alberto Prats (Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences), Joaquim Enseñat (Hospital Clínic i Provincial and Pi i Sunyer Biomedical Research Institute, IDIBAPS) and Luigi Maria Cavallo (University of Naples Federico II, Italy), confirm that the transorbital approach is very useful and minimally invasive in different tumours of the cranial base when used as the only route or in combination with the endonasal route (multiportal approach).
From a general perspective, many projects in the call have focused on the causes and mechanisms of metastasis, which is responsible for more than 90% of cancer deaths. Other studies have evaluated, with very positive results, minimally invasive diagnostic methods such as liquid biopsy or magnetic resonance imaging, which will allow early detection of cancer and more accurate monitoring of patients’ progress. The innovative therapies that have been designed based on immunotherapy are also noteworthy, as well as artificial intelligence and nanoparticles, which will allow patients to be treated more efficiently and in a more personalized way.
The presentation of the results was also attended by Àngels Ponsa, Vice-President of the Governing Council of the CCMA-3Cat and of the Board of Trustees of the La Marató Foundation; Carme Figuers, member of the Governing Council of the CCMA-3Cat and Second Vice-President of the Board of Trustees of the La Marató Foundation; Lluís Bernabé, Director of the 3Cat La Marató Foundation; experts Anna Genescà (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) and Josep Roma (Vall d’Hebron Research Institute) and patients Elisenda Escriche and Boris Pallarès.
The results of the projects funded by La Marató 2018 can be consulted here, based on the reports and videos produced by the research teams that carried out the research studies.