The book “Past & Power” brings the main debates on memory and its conflicts in today's Europe

The book will be presented on Tuesday, December 13, at 20 h, at La Central del Raval bookstore.
The book will be presented on Tuesday, December 13, at 20 h, at La Central del Raval bookstore.

On Tuesday 13, at 20 h, the bookstore La Central del Raval (Elisabets, 6, Barcelona) will hold the book presentation of Past & Power. Public Policies on Memory. Debates from Global to Local (Publications and Editions of the University of Barcelona, 2016), by Jordi Guixé i Coromines (ed.). There will be the participation of Carme Panchón and Sílvia Marimon. The book gathers contributions by experts from around Europe and South America that touch on how citizens and governments have faced each other in the past, the different  nationally and internationally built stories, and the political and social fights involved in all of it.

The book will be presented on Tuesday, December 13, at 20 h, at La Central del Raval bookstore.
The book will be presented on Tuesday, December 13, at 20 h, at La Central del Raval bookstore.

On Tuesday 13, at 20 h, the bookstore La Central del Raval (Elisabets, 6, Barcelona) will hold the book presentation of Past & Power. Public Policies on Memory. Debates from Global to Local (Publications and Editions of the University of Barcelona, 2016), by Jordi Guixé i Coromines (ed.). There will be the participation of Carme Panchón and Sílvia Marimon. The book gathers contributions by experts from around Europe and South America that touch on how citizens and governments have faced each other in the past, the different  nationally and internationally built stories, and the political and social fights involved in all of it.

The publication, edited in English and Spanish, comes from the commitment of the European Observatory on Memories of the UB Solidarity Foundation, to give new debating and analyzing tools, which should be taken into account by the European applications when managing public memory policies. In this book there are several contributions from the international symposium “Memory and Power. A translational perspective”, held in 2014 in Barcelona, apart from a series of articles by distinguished international experts. This publication shows a panoramic view of the problems and conflicts that result from Europeʼs past management and which are seen today, from a translational and comparative perspective, regarding Latin Americanʼs situation too.

In the past years there have been several projects and initiatives in Europe and worldwide to recover and analyze the 20th century memory. Public authorities have not successfully solved the management of traumatic memory, from wars, dictatorships and massacres to which the European project had as a counterpoint. Now, the shadow of suspicion surrounds the authorities, which are always temped of using the past for political reasons. This created the conflict and questioning of big narrations set in common memory, especially with the integration of Eastern countries to the European Union. Each community, collective or nation, has common memories, which not always fit in a general and global account.

The book is organized in three blocks: “Memory beyond borders”; “States and Memories”; and “Memorials and Discussions”. Among the contributions, there are some by Georges Mink, emeritus research director of the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS, France), on the memory conflict between the East and West of Europe and the role of post-communism; others by Ricard Vinyes, historian and current commissioner of Memory Programs in the Barcelona City Council, talking about consequences of memory privatization in Spain; Claudia Wasserman, historian at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, whose stories are about the situation of Latin America; Adrian Kerr, director of the Museum of Free Derry, writing about the history of the fights for civil rights in Northern Ireland; Oksana Chelsysheva, journalist and member of the Finnish-Russian Citizensʼ Forum, bringing the case of Latvia and its relationship with Russia; etc.

Jordi Guixé i Coromines, researcher and doctor in Contemporary History at the University of Barcelona and University of Paris III - Sorbonne - Nouvelle. Guixé is an expert in Francoist repression towards politicians who exiled during the period of the Spanish Civil War, the Second World War and the Cold War, and also in public memory policies. Since 2012, he has directed the European Observatory on Memories (EUROM) of the UB Solidarity Foundation and is professor at the University of Barcelona in the Masterʼs degree on Urban Design; Art, City, Society. He collaborated in the creation of the Catalonia Democratic Memorial, in which he was in charge of the heritage and project area. He directed and coordinated several international conferences on the uses of the past in Spain and Europe, and collaborates with several research groups such as the French CNRS, the Center for Studies on the Franco and Democratic Eras (CEFID-UAB) or the Research Group on Memory and Society of the University of Barcelona (UB). Apart from having several articles related to memory policies, among his publications there are books such as La República perseguida. Exilio y repression en la Francia de Franco (Publicacions Universitat de València, 2011) or, together with Montserrat Iniesta, the edition of Polítiques públiques de la memòria. I Col·loqui internacional Memorial Democràtic (Eumo, 2009).