Record fundraising for the Solidarity Basket

This year's edition of the UB's Solidarity Basket raised €7,140, a record collection and participation record for all the editions of this solidarity programme. This money will go to Arrels Foundation's Llatzeret project to help people living on the streets of Barcelona. The project includes the renovation and repair of a building owned by Arrels Foundation to provide five homes for homeless people, as well as a new low-demand service called Piso Zero, a space where these people can take shelter and rest temporarily without being exposed to the risk of sleeping outside.

This year's edition of the UB's Solidarity Basket raised €7,140, a record collection and participation record for all the editions of this solidarity programme. This money will go to Arrels Foundation's Llatzeret project to help people living on the streets of Barcelona. The project includes the renovation and repair of a building owned by Arrels Foundation to provide five homes for homeless people, as well as a new low-demand service called Piso Zero, a space where these people can take shelter and rest temporarily without being exposed to the risk of sleeping outside.
After the draw, the winners of the eighth edition of this year's Solidarity Basket are:
• Panera Tió: Montserrat Freixa Niella, member of teaching and research staff.
• Panera Neula: Gil Vigué Mercader, student.
• Panera Galet: Rosa Oliva Castany, member of the administrative and service staff.
• Panera Pessebre: Elisabeth Torres Salcedo, student.
Previous editions
The first edition of the Solidarity Basket raised €1,838, which was allocated to a project —promoted and managed by the UB Solidarity Foundation— for social and occupational integration and the promotion of interculturalism through urban and local agriculture, aimed at young people aged 18 to 25 from the Besòs and Barcelonès Nord areas. Specifically, the money raised was used to set up a pre-employment integration initiative with fifteen young people from Santa Coloma de Gramenet at high risk of social exclusion, through training in market gardening in urban areas.
The second edition of the Solidarity Basket raised €4,274, which went to La Marató de TV3, dedicated to stroke and spinal cord and traumatic brain injuries. This money was used to fund biomedical research projects of excellence selected by the La Marató Foundation.
The third edition of the Solidarity Basket raised €4,684, which went to the Hospital Amigo programme of the Obra Social de Sant Joan de Déu. This money was used to improve the experience of hospitalised children and make it as positive as possible with various activities such as hospital clowns, art therapy and graphite workshop, music therapy and singing workshops, volunteers and dog-assisted interventions.
The fourth edition of the Solidarity Basket raised €5,314, which went to the Obra Social Sant Joan de Déu, specifically to a project to improve the diagnosis and rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy. The main objective of the project was to develop a platform to support the cognitive diagnosis of patients with motor disorders.
The fifth edition of the Solidarity Basket raised €3,496, which was donated to the UB's support programme for refugees and people from conflict zones, coordinated by the UB Solidarity Foundation, to promote access to higher education for this collective.
The sixth edition of the Solidarity Basket raised €5,456, which went to the research project investigating the impact of COVID-19 at the University, "Avoiding new outbreaks: discovering asymptomatic carriers", linked to the UB Patrons programme and promoted by the University of Barcelona and Bellvitge University Hospital.
The seventh edition of the Solidarity Basket raised €4,878, which was used to prevent school failure and school dropout through the Petit UBinding programme, which detects reading difficulties in children at an early age and intervenes from the initial phase.
The University of Barcelona is grateful for the participation of the university community, as well as the UB companies and services that have contributed the prizes that fill the four charity baskets.