The FOREU4All project will bring together all European universities to share best practices in the higher education sector

News | Institutional | Academic | International
CHARM-EU, coordinated by the University of Barcelona, is one of the European universities leading the new FOREU4All project. The aim of FOREU4All is to foster a collaborative and supportive environment in which good practices and experiences are shared not only among European university alliances such as CHARM-EU, but also with the wider higher education sector in Europe. FOREU4All will bring together all European university alliances (a total of 64) in a unified structure. CHARM-EU, represented by the University of Barcelona and Trinity College Dublin, will lead the working group on communication and dissemination under the FOREU4All project.
News | Institutional | Academic | International
CHARM-EU, coordinated by the University of Barcelona, is one of the European universities leading the new FOREU4All project. The aim of FOREU4All is to foster a collaborative and supportive environment in which good practices and experiences are shared not only among European university alliances such as CHARM-EU, but also with the wider higher education sector in Europe. FOREU4All will bring together all European university alliances (a total of 64) in a unified structure. CHARM-EU, represented by the University of Barcelona and Trinity College Dublin, will lead the working group on communication and dissemination under the FOREU4All project.
Evolution of the FOREU4All network

The informal network of European university partnerships FOREU (FORum of European Universities) has existed since the beginning of the European Universities initiative. FOREU4All gathers partnership experts from various countries and institutions to form active communities on strategic topics such as educational cooperation, governance, the research and innovation dimension of partnerships or student participation. Currently, FOREU has more than 20 subgroups and several parallel forums where partnership coordinators and experts meet. Given the impact and nature of the EUI initiative, a merger of all FOREU groups is now necessary, and dedicated resources are needed.

The FOREU4All project will reflect the fruitful collaboration and extensive experience within FOREU. It will merge, formalise and extend the informal processes and structures that have developed naturally over the past four years. It also focuses on supporting efficient administration, coordination, communication and dissemination.  

FOREU4All will focus on links with the wider higher education sector, collaboration with existing networks and various stakeholders, as well as engagement with decision-makers on achievements and challenges related to European universities. Outreach activities and the dissemination of good practices and learnings are expected to help bring transnational cooperation in HE in Europe to the next level.
The University of Barcelona and Trinity College Dublin represent the CHARM-EU alliance in this new initiative.
Commitment to overcoming obstacles to transnational collaboration

In collaboration with various stakeholders, the FOREU4All project will address the challenges to transnational collaboration that currently persist in the European Higher Education Area, from joint educational provision to mobility, as well as digital and research, development and innovation (R&D&I) collaboration. With FOREU4All, European university alliances commit to work together with each other, relevant stakeholders and policy makers to overcome obstacles in transnational collaboration and make the transformation of European higher education a reality.

The project has received €1.8 million from the European Commission and will run for 48 months, starting on 1 November 2024. The European University Association, the European Students' Union (ESU), the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), the European Association of Higher Education Institutions (EURASHE) and the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) are project partners. ​​​​