Professors Susana Narotzky and Elías Campo receive the national awards “Ramón Menéndez Pidal” and “Gregorio Marañón”, respectively

Susana Narotzky is a professor of Social Anthropology.
Susana Narotzky is a professor of Social Anthropology.

Susana Narotzky, professor of Social Anthropology at the UB, has been awarded the National Research Award “Ramón Menéndez Pidal” in the area of Human Sciences, and Elías Campo, professor of Pathological Anatomy at the UB, has received the National Research Award “Gregorio Marañón” in the area of Medicine, given by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. These awards honor the merit of Spanish researchers who carry out an outstanding task in their scientific fields.


Susana Narotzky is a professor of Social Anthropology.
Susana Narotzky is a professor of Social Anthropology.

Susana Narotzky, professor of Social Anthropology at the UB, has been awarded the National Research Award “Ramón Menéndez Pidal” in the area of Human Sciences, and Elías Campo, professor of Pathological Anatomy at the UB, has received the National Research Award “Gregorio Marañón” in the area of Medicine, given by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. These awards honor the merit of Spanish researchers who carry out an outstanding task in their scientific fields.


Susana Narotzky (New York, United States, 1958) is a professor of Social Antropology at the UB. She studied at the University of Barcelona and the New School for Social Research in New York. She is an expert on economic anthropology and has conducted research related to womenʼs task in submerged economy and the importance of ideological factors in the economic organization. Her main areas of interest are economic anthropology, epistemology of anthropology and gender studies, history, memories and political identity building. Her work explores the meaning that frame human action and practices that profile the production of meaning.

She has published many articles in specialized journals and the following books: Trabajar en família: mujeres, hogares y talleres (1988); Mujer, mujeres, género. Una aproximación crítica al estudio de las mujeres en las ciencias sociales (1995); New Directions in Economic Anthropology (1997) and La antropología de los pueblos de España. Historia, cultura y lugar (2001). Her latest book, Immediate Struggles. People, Power and Place in Rural Spain (2006), results from her collaboration with the Canadian anthropologist Gavin Smith, and presents a historical perspective of the social construction of economic and political relationships in a region where informal economy carries a heavy weight. Recently, the European Research Council, awarded her an Advanced Grant to study the effects of the economic crisis and budget adjustments in lifestyles and the meaning of human value in Southern Europe, a study which led to the recent volume Grassroots Economies: Living with Austerity in Southern Europe.

She was the president of the European Association of Social Anthropology (2011-2012) and secretary of the American Anthropological Association (2015-2018). She received many awards, among which are the ICREA Academia award (2010-2015 and 2016-2021), given by the Catalan Institute for Research and Advanced Studies to support her research. Among other professional positions, she is member of the Advisory Council of the Hamburg Institute for Social Research and deputy member of the Holberg Prize Committee (Norway, 2020-2023). In 1998, she founded the Study Group on Reciprocity (GER) at the University of Barcelona, formed by researchers from different national and international universities.


Elías Campo (Boltaña, Spain, 1955) graduated in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Barcelona in 1979, and got his doctoral degree in the same university in 1985. He is a professor of Pathological Anatomy at the UB and current director of Research at Hospital Clínic, director of the Clínic Foundation and director of the August Pi i Sunyer Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBAPS).

His research focuses on the characterization of lymphoid neoplasia and genetic and molecular mechanisms involved in its development and progression. It has been funded by national and international agencies, including the Inter-ministerial Committee of Science and Technology, the Health Institute Carlos III, as well as several programs framed within the European Union, the National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Maryland and the Lymphoma Research Foundation (United States).

The professor has supervised 31 doctoral theses and published more than 600 articles, highly citated in scientific literature. He is member of several international working groups such as the International Lymphoma Study Group (ILSG) since 1997, the Lymphoma Leukaemia Molecular Profiling Project (LLMPP) since 2000, the International Cancer Genome Consortium since 2008 and the Blueprint Epigenomic Project since 2011, among others. He has given conferences and courses in different European countries, the United States, in Latin America and the middle and far East.

Campo was the scientific codirector of the Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (200-9-2016) in the International Cancer Genome Consortium. He is also member of the advisory scientific committees in several national and international institutions, and is currently member of the board of trustees of the Spanish Association against Cancer Scientific Foundation. He is also the editor and member of the WHO Direction Committee of Classification of Haematological Malignancies, and adjunct editor of the journal Haematologica.


The Ministry of Education and Science created the National Research Award Santiago Ramon y Cajal in scientific research in 1982, and and other categories were later added, until reaching the existing ten. . The aim of these awards is to promote their visibility among the scientific community, promote and strengthen the development of science in Spain.