Professors Montserrat Casanovas and Daniel Turbón, new full academicians of the Royal European Academy of Doctors

The Royal European Academy of Doctors (RAED), a prestigious centenary institution in Europe.
The Royal European Academy of Doctors (RAED), a prestigious centenary institution in Europe.

Montserrat Casanovas, professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business, and Daniel Turbón, professor at the Faculty of Biology, have been appointed new full academicians of the Royal European Academy of Doctors (RAED), a prestigious centenary institution in Europe with its origins in its creation as the Association of Enrolled Doctors of Catalonia (1914-1920).

The Royal European Academy of Doctors (RAED), a prestigious centenary institution in Europe.
The Royal European Academy of Doctors (RAED), a prestigious centenary institution in Europe.

Montserrat Casanovas, professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business, and Daniel Turbón, professor at the Faculty of Biology, have been appointed new full academicians of the Royal European Academy of Doctors (RAED), a prestigious centenary institution in Europe with its origins in its creation as the Association of Enrolled Doctors of Catalonia (1914-1920).

Chaired by Alfredo Rocafort, professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Barcelona, RAED defends the prestige of the title of doctor and has taken care of maintaining a close collaboration with its members some of them being Eric Maskin (Nobel Prize in Economics 2007), Ernesto Kahan (Albert Schweitzer Peace Prize and Vice-President of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War awarded with the Nobel Peace Prize in 1985), Aaron Ciechanover (Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2004); Ismail Serageldin (Founding Director of the Library of Alexandria); Björn Nilsson (President of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences) and the politician Rosalia Arteaga, former President of Equador, among others.

Montserrat Casanovas teaches Financial Economics and Accounting at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Barcelona. Graduated in Political and Administrative Sciences at the University of Barcelona and Doctor in Economic and Business Sciences (UAB), Casanovas is an economist, auditor and financial analyst, and has worked in the world of business and financial institutions. Her research lines are focused on corporate finances, financial markets, business valuation, decision theory and uncertainty in financial markets. She leads the Research Group on Economics and Management of Uncertainty at the University of Barcelona, and is the founder and director of the masterʼs degree in European Financial Advisor of the University of Barcelona, apart from directing the masterʼs degree in Business and Real Estate Management (Gestió i Direcció dʼEmpreses Constructores i Immobiliàries).

Professor Casanovas is the Secretary of the Governing Board of the Col·legi dʼEconomistes de Catalunya (Catalan School of Economists), Vice-President of the Catalan Accounting and Management Association (ACCID) and the Registres dʼEconomistes Docents i Investigadors (Records of Teachers and Researchers on Economics, REDI) of the Consell General de Col·legi dʼEconomistes dʼEspanya (General Council of Spanish Economists, CGCEE), Member of the Record of Financial Assessment Businesses (EAF) and Commissioner of the editorial board and editor of several national and international journals. Author of several scientific studies published internationally, she has written several books on finance, financial markets and business valuation, such as Opciones financieras (Pirámide, 2014), and is co-author of the works La Financiación en la Empresa (Profit, 2013) and Guía práctica para la valoración de empresas (2011) among others.     

Daniel Turbón is professor of Physical Anthropology of the Department of Evolutionary Biology, Ecology and Environmental Sciences and expert in the field of human evolution, especially in the field of applied molecular and forensic anthropology on the origins and evolution of hominids. He is the coordinator of the Teaching Innovation Group Biologia i Cultura: Diversitat Humana i Evolució (Biology and Culture: Human Diversity and Evolution) at the University of Barcelona, has supervised several doctoral theses and is the author of more than 240 scientific publications.  

In 1997, Daniel Turbón was the patron of the investiture ceremony of Phillip V. Tobias (1925-2012) as Doctor Honoris Causa. Tobias was the prestigious palaeonthologist born in Durban (South Africa) who defined the species Homo habilis -the oldest representative of the Homo genus- together with Louis Leakey and John Napier.

Secretary-General of the Spanish Society of Physical Anthropology (SEAF) during 1999-2003 and Editor of their journal, Turbón has also been the commissioner of the Scientific Council of the Cueva de Nerja Foundation Institute (2002-2007). He is the author of Lʼevolució humana (Ariel, 2006), co-author of Darwin y el mono (Edicions Sello Editorial, 2009), and has taken part in the publication of the book ¿Humanos o posthumanos? (Fragmenta, 2015) which covers the concepts of technological singularity and human improvement. He participated in the edition of Biodiversidad humana y evolución, an open-access digital book which gathers the scientific contributions of the 17th Congress of the Spanish Society of Physical Anthropology (SEAF 17), held at the Faculty of Biology (June 2011), chaired by him. Turbón has also chaired the organizing committee in international forums with great international projection in the world of research -on origins and evolution of hominids, such as The Dawn of Humanity: Human Walking, Ecology, Behaviour (1999), Human Molecular Evolution (2001), Paleocology of Human Evolution (2002) and The Evolution of the Human Brain and the Origin of the Spoken Language, organized with the participation of the University of Barcelona, UNESCO and Obra Social la Caixa.