Professor Nicole Mahy, new Numerary Member of the Royal European Academy of Doctors

Nicole Mahy, professor of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences and member of the Institute of Neurosciences of the University of Barcelona, has joined the Royal European Academy of Doctors as Numerary Member in a ceremony held this March. During the ceremony, Nicole Mahy gave the speech entitled “La vida és una llarga oxidació”, answered by the academician Rafael Blesa, expert in neurodegenerative diseases.

Nicole Mahy, professor of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences and member of the Institute of Neurosciences of the University of Barcelona, has joined the Royal European Academy of Doctors as Numerary Member in a ceremony held this March. During the ceremony, Nicole Mahy gave the speech entitled “La vida és una llarga oxidació”, answered by the academician Rafael Blesa, expert in neurodegenerative diseases.
“The fight against neurodegenerative diseases needs deep knowledge on the tissue oxygenation”, said Mahy, who reminded the attendants about the impact of the creation process of free radicals on cell physiology and the development of some diseases.
Dr Mahy has a distinguished experience as researcher in the field of physiopathology of several neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, etc.). Member of the Networked Biomedical Research Center on Neurodegenerative Diseases (CIBERNED), she leads the Research Group of Neurochemistry of the UB and IDIBAPS, a research team studying molecular and cellular mechanisms of adaptation in brain damage and neurodegenerative processes. Also, Nicole Mahy took part in the creation of the first Neurological Tissue Bank of Catalonia and is co.founder and scientific advisor of two biotechnological companies -Neurotec Pharma SL, and Medivet Pharma SL -created out of the patents that were generated by her research team. To honor her merits, Mahy has been awarded by the Government of the French Republic with the medal of National Order of Merit (1988) and the Order of Academic Palms (2002), among other awards.