Professor Lluís Cabrera, new member of the Sciences and Technology Section of the Institute for Catalan Studies

Lluís Cabrera, professor of Stratigraphy and former dean of the Faculty of Earth Sciences of the University of Barcelona, has been appointed new full academician of the Section of Science and Technology of the Institute for Catalan Studies (IEC). The plenary session of the IEC, held this March, approved of the integration of two other full academicians: the researchers Carme Torras (Spanish National Research Council, CSIC) and Josep Lluís Barona (University of Valencia).

Lluís Cabrera, professor of Stratigraphy and former dean of the Faculty of Earth Sciences of the University of Barcelona, has been appointed new full academician of the Section of Science and Technology of the Institute for Catalan Studies (IEC). The plenary session of the IEC, held this March, approved of the integration of two other full academicians: the researchers Carme Torras (Spanish National Research Council, CSIC) and Josep Lluís Barona (University of Valencia).
Graduated and holding a doctorate in Geology from the UB, Lluís Cabrera started his research activity in 1975 as a collaborating intern in the former Department of Stratigraphy and Historical Geography, under the supervision of Oriol Riba, a prestigious geologist in the field of science in this country. Tenured lecturer in 1984, and professor since 2001, he is member of the Group Geodynamics and Basin Analysis and the Geomodels Research Institute of the UB, and has been dean of the Faculty of Geology of the UB during the period 2009-2016.
Professor of Stratigraphy at the Department of Earth and Ocean Dynamics, Lluís Cabrera is an expert on the field of study of integrated and multidisciplinary analysis of continental sedimentary basins, with a special interest in the knowledge of ancient lacustrine records, which are real temporary archives of the geological and climate changes in the continents in the past. He coordinated, in Spain, the Project 219 on ancient lacustrine systems and co-supervised as international head the Project 324, focused on world paleoenvironmental archives of lacustrine systems, sponsored by UNESCO and the International Geoscience Program (IGCP). He has co-supervised several doctoral theses on the characterization, numerical modelling and geostatistical reconstruction of systems and sedimentary bodies, and has contributed to the application of magnetobiocronology in the analysis of basins, and the improvement of the Paleogene and Neogene standard cronostratigraphic charts.