UB Editions receives three awards in the Joan Lluís Vives Prize in the university edition

José Antonio Moreno Villanueva , Joan Guàrdia i Antoni Segura i Mas.
José Antonio Moreno Villanueva , Joan Guàrdia i Antoni Segura i Mas.
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The Joan Lluís Vives Prize in university publishing honor works published in Catalan for their interest, relevance and timeliness in knowledge transfer, as well as for the quality of the edition and the impact on the media and specialized publications. The rector, Joan Guàrdia, collected the awards, which were presented this Wednesday, 10 July, at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, coinciding with the award ceremony of the Medal of Honour 2024 of the Vives Network of Universities.
José Antonio Moreno Villanueva , Joan Guàrdia i Antoni Segura i Mas.
José Antonio Moreno Villanueva , Joan Guàrdia i Antoni Segura i Mas.
News | Culture
The Joan Lluís Vives Prize in university publishing honor works published in Catalan for their interest, relevance and timeliness in knowledge transfer, as well as for the quality of the edition and the impact on the media and specialized publications. The rector, Joan Guàrdia, collected the awards, which were presented this Wednesday, 10 July, at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, coinciding with the award ceremony of the Medal of Honour 2024 of the Vives Network of Universities.

Filòsofes de la contemporaneïtat, by Núria Sara Miras Boronat, has won the prize for the best book in the arts and humanities. This genealogy, of which the third edition has just been published, fills a gap in the history of thought, as it places women philosophers and thinkers at the centre of the debate, recognizes their contributions and normalizes their presence in the transmission of knowledge. With the aim of vindicating the relevance of their legacy, it offers a balanced synthesis of the biography and work of Jane Addams, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Judith Shklar, Angela Davis, Audre Lorde and Vandana Shiva.

As for the prize for the best social science book, the winner was El món d’avui. De la guerra freda als reptes de la interdependència global, by Antoni Segura i Mas, co-published with Publications of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili. The result of years of research, reflection and writing, this work of contemporary history analyses the episodes that have shaped the international scene from the second half of the 20th century to the present day and offers the data and explanations we need to understand the immediate past so as not to collectively repeat its mistakes. The recognition coincides with the publication of the second edition.

As for the best science and technology book, in this case ex aequo, it went to Dones? Homes? Sexe i gènere, biologia i cultura, by Jordi Casanova i Roca. The book tackles a burning current issue — the relationship between sex and gender — from a biological perspective. The author argues that the argument of a social model imposed by biology must be dismantled, but without denying the biological reality. It explains that it is necessary to be fully aware of it: it is important to know the biological characteristics and how they operate to be able to overcome the conditioning factors imposed on us. The second edition is already in bookstores.

This year’s awards, organized by the Vives University Network, honored works by the University of Barcelona in three of the five categories: best book in arts and humanities, best book in social sciences, and best book in science and technology.

The other award-winning works were Librorvm Fragmenta. Incunables i manuscrits reutilitzats en la Biblioteca Històrica, Francisco M. Gimeno Blay, Susana González Martínez and Mónica Pintado Antúnez, as best edition (Publications of the Universitat de València); Influència de les alertes de seguretat de medicaments sobre la prescripció en l’àmbit de l’atenció primària de salut, by Isabel Rosich Martí, as best book on science and technology ex aequo (Publications of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili), and Desterrats per ordre de Carles III, by Francisco J. Monjo y Dalmau, as best inter-network co-publication (Publications of the University of Valencia and Publications of the University of Alacant).

​​​​​​​The members of the jury for this sixth edition were Oriol Amat i Salas, Vice-President of the Vives University Network; Núria Cadenes i Alabèrnia, journalist and writer; Caterina-Mercè Picornell Belenguer, lecturer at the Department of Catalan Philology and General Linguistics at the University of the Balearic Islands, and Miquel-Àngel Pradilla Cardona, lecturer at the Department of Catalan Philology at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili.

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Joan Guàrdia and Jordi Casanova i Roca.

Núria Sara Miras Boronat.