Philosophy comes out of the academy and fills Barcelona up

The third edition for Barcelona Pensa will take place from the 14th to the 19th of November. The festival is promoted by the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Barcelona, willing to share, bring closer and transfer philosophy to everyone. This yearʼs program includes the consolidated activities from previous editions and it adds new proposals.

The third edition for Barcelona Pensa will take place from the 14th to the 19th of November. The festival is promoted by the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Barcelona, willing to share, bring closer and transfer philosophy to everyone. This yearʼs program includes the consolidated activities from previous editions and it adds new proposals.
Consolidated activities and new proposals
This yearʼs program has consolidated activities from previous years: philosophical cafés and cabarets, philosophy workshops for children and teenagers, or the Flash Philosophy (debate battles between two philosophers). It also adds new proposals such as philosophical tours in Barcelona or audio guides in MNAC, Picasso Museum, MACBA and CCCB to show the philosophical potential of art.
In the festival there will be two book presentations by Publications and Editions of the UB. On Tuesday November 15, at 17.30 h, the bookstore La Central del Raval will hold the presentation for Filosofia i modernitat. La reconstrucció de lʼordre del món by Salvi Turró. On Thursday November 17, at 19.30 h, at the bookstore Laie, there will be the presentation for a new book in the Filosofia UB collection: Meditacions cartesianes, by Edmund Husserl, with the participation of the translators of the book, Francesc Pereña Blasi and Joan González-Guardiola, and the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, Josep Montserrat Molas.
From Llull to Leibniz, going through Hamlet, Batman or Frankenstein
A success of this event is the opening of spaces for debates with other disciplines in order to build dialogue bridges. Moral issues in Batman, the fascination Frankenstein creates, spirits in Hamlet, the moral message of Llull and the versatile figure of Leibniz are some of the topics the festival will cover.
Pensa does not forget about universal topics such as the passage of time, hospitality, truth, humanism, justice, modernity, eugenics or even stupidity.
Barcelona Pensa is consolidated as the annual meeting to promote philosophy
The two first editions of Barcelona Pensa exceeded the participation predictions by far, regarding both audience and diffusion. The number of participants for the last edition was of 4.200 people and capacity was completed in the 95% of the scheduled activities.
The festival regards the right of philosophy as an essential right of a critical and participative culture in which everyone can be involved. Therefore, the project is aimed to turn the philosophical speech into a common and shared good, removing the traditional barrier between high and low cultures, and making theoretical and reflective thinking to be an essential element of our experience.
More information about the festival is available on