Laura Grau passes the first stage to take part in the Coïmbra Group's 3 Minute Thesis Competition

The Doctoral School of the UB has chosen the research in training Laura Grau to represent the University of Barcelona in the Coïmbra Groupʼs 3 Minute Thesis Competition (3MT). The Doctoral Studies Working Group will choose three finalists in Europe. If Laura Grau is one of the three finalists, she will take part in the finals, which are to be held in Edinburgh during June 2017.

The Doctoral School of the UB has chosen the research in training Laura Grau to represent the University of Barcelona in the Coïmbra Groupʼs 3 Minute Thesis Competition (3MT). The Doctoral Studies Working Group will choose three finalists in Europe. If Laura Grau is one of the three finalists, she will take part in the finals, which are to be held in Edinburgh during June 2017.
A hard selection process due the quality of the submitted proposals
The Doctoral School of the University of Barcelona called for researchers in training to talk about their research in a 3-minute video for a non-specialized audience. Three out of the eleven proposals were selected: Anna Barbantiʼs research Mediterranean populations of marine turtles, from the Genetics program; Mercè Cisnerosʼ research Climate of the past: history of the sea, stories of the caves, from the Marine Sciences program, and Laura Grauʼs New cancer drugs from nature, from the Experimental Organic and Industrial Chemistry program.
After thinking it through, the Doctoral School decided -unanimously- Laura Grau to represent the University of Barcelona.
The three finalists in Europe will present their proposal live
During the General Assembly of Coimbra Group, to be held in Edinburgh (Scotland) from June 7 to 9, the three finalists will take part in the competition in a face-to-face session. The Executive Board of the Coimbra Group will award the winner with 3.000 euros, the second finalist with 2.00 euros and the third one with 1.000 euros.