Five selected projects in the UNI-ECO "Green challenges: for a more sustainable campus"


The dateline to submit proposals for “Green Challenges: for a more sustainable campus” was April 11. This challenge, promoted by the European project UNI-ECO, counts on the participation of the University of Barcelona. The initiative was aimed at any member of the university community who wished to build tomorrowʼs sustainable university. The initiative was positively received: it received seventeen projects on different topics and by teams from all collectives.



The dateline to submit proposals for “Green Challenges: for a more sustainable campus” was April 11. This challenge, promoted by the European project UNI-ECO, counts on the participation of the University of Barcelona. The initiative was aimed at any member of the university community who wished to build tomorrowʼs sustainable university. The initiative was positively received: it received seventeen projects on different topics and by teams from all collectives.


The University selected five of these projects, which are now under a second phase. “A composter at the campus: selective collection & education” is the name of the project submitted by the team led by Mireia Esparza, lecturer at the Faculty of Education, who wants to gather best practises to bring the university closer to a zero-waste goal. This challenge is also presented by the project “Green office supplies”, led by Mar Grasa, lecturer at the Faculty of Biology. Presenting support and improvement actions for biodiversity is the objective of the team led by José Domingo Rodríguez, also lecturer at the Faculty of Biology, who submitted the project “Enhancing the vertebrate biodiversity in a campus». Also, the team led by Víctor Garcia, student at the Faculty of Earth Scienes, suggests that we reduce the carbon footprint related to transport in the unive rsity, in the project “Mou-te amb UB, mou-TMB”. Last, the team led by Andrea Rizzo, student at the Faculty of Economics and Business, presented the project “Dieta salud planetaria en la UB: hacia una opción sostenible”, to reduce the environmental footprint of the restaurant sector at the university”.

In the second phase, the five selected projects will receive an economic aid for their development. In early July, the selection committee of the University will announce the name of the winner in the UB. The team that wins will be able to present the proposal in the UNI-ECO summer school, in Dublin, a unique opportunity to work in a European context.

The selection committee of the UB is built up by Marta Pérez, UB coordinator of the UNI-ECO project; Gustavo Llorente, delegate for Sustainability; Lourdes Altés, director of UB Saludable; Anna Escofet, director of ApS; Pedro Moreno, director of OSSMA, and Óscar Marcos and Judit Monlleó, experts at the Environmental Unit in OSSMA.

European project UNI-ECO, for a more sustainable university

Universities play an important role in societyʼs transition towards a more sustainable life. The interuniversity project Erasmus+ UNI-ECO results from this context, and aims to develop practical and collaborative tools for innovation in sustainability at the university. The participants in this project are all the centers that built up the CHARM-EU alliance: Montpelier University, coordinator of the initiative, in collaboration with the University of Barcelona, Utrecht University, Eötvös Lórand University (Budapest), and Trinity College Dublin. The UNI-ECO Project responds to the need to change our lifestyle and production methods in order to reduce the negative impact of human activity on the environment.

More information is available in the UNI-ECO platform.